Fruits of the Ritual (Semi Limited)
Normal Spell
Discard 1 Ritual Monster. Draw 2 cards. if the matching Ritual Spell card is in your graveyard when this card is activated, you can remove it from play to draw 1 extra card.
Card Art: A group of priests standing around a magic circle, making giant grapes and apples and other fruits.
True Ritual Art (Limited)
Ritual Spell
Select 1 Ritual Monster in your hand. Send monsters from your deck to the graveyard who's total levels equal that Ritual Monster's level. All monsters sent to the graveyard must be the same attribute as the selected Ritual Monster. Ritual Summon the selected Ritual Monster.
Card Art: A trio of robed mages killing eight Mokey Mokies, with the figure of Ruin visible in their pentagram.
Approved by Jeff and Jinn