(no subject)

Oct 06, 2010 09:05

Happy Birthday to libra_dragon!

A couple of cards here. :) I re-made the first one for my Grandma's B-day since I wasn't too happy with how the first turned out. The second I really enjoyed making and like how it turned out.

I'm really loving doing this. It's nice to have a hobby that uses my creative brain since writing isn't working right now. There's something really satisfying about creating something with my hands too. I feel like I'm getting better with each card too and that's gratifying.

I'm kinda frustrated with the weight loss right now. I haven't lost anything since Saturday! It's too early to hit my plateau. :/ I started exercising again though. I've managed to to it three times this week and I'm going to do it again today too. I'm hoping that'll help speed things up or at the very least help lose more inches.

Mmm. Got my coffee this morning in my Potion's Master mug that Britt got me for Christmas. XD Love this mug. It's even green! Coffee is a lovely freebie.

Man, I keep looking over my LJ entires and honestly I'm boring. I don't blame anyone for un-friending me. I'm not trying to be 'oh woe is me'. I just don't have anything exciting to say. I need to go find a prompt that makes my brain find more interesting stuff to post about.

weight loss, card making, exercise, cards, coffee, weight

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