[At first, there is only a tranquil, quiet scene being broadcast. Flowers bobbing gently in the wind, a butterfly floating on the breeze, nothing out of the ordinary. Then a voice is heard, high and sudden. It will be familiar to some, vaguely Australian and somewhere between excited and confused.] Ah, oh! It was real?
[A face comes into view, all
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[Fang frowns, rolls her shoulders back.] We should look around. If they're still here, they can't be too far off.
[She turns a corner, and the lake is spread out before her, the house she built still standing on the shore.] We're here! Let's see if the others are inside!
The sight of the house fills Fang with a small amount of hope, despite her sensibilities telling her otherwise. Maybe it's seeing something that so strongly reminds her of Oerba that makes her want to believe that her friends are still there, waiting for them.
But she knows better, has been disappointed too often since awakening from crystal stasis to be optimistic. For Vanille though, she'll try.] If they are, I'll take the lead. [She steps in front of Vanille to walk ahead, and throws a grin over her shoulder.] To catch any swings Light throws, in case she's sore at us for leaving her here.
The house looks fine from the outside, as Sephiroth said it would, and that gives her hope, somehow, that their friends just missed them on the Vine, that Lightning will be inside hovering over Serah while Hope laughs under her breath.]
You don't think she'll just be glad we're back? [She asks this, but steps behind Fang, anyway. Knowing Lightning, well. She might need an excuse to punch something, and Vanille knows from experience that Fang's existence is good enough an excuse for some.]
[She reaches the door, and hesistates before turning the handle. It gives easily, and she immediately thinks that were Lightning there, it would be locked.
It's quiet, inside. Dim. Patches of light flicker through the closed curtains, and the air has a silent, undisturbed feeling to it. No one is here, she knows. She is quiet too, hand still on the door handle. Her face is carefully neutral.]
Her face falls, she digs the toe of a boot into the ground.] They're not here, are they? [And then, with a false, hollow optimism:] Maybe they just went out for awhile?
Instead of answering Vanille's question directly, she mutters:] They'll show up again. We'll just have to wait it out.
She squeezes past, into the house, eyes adjusting to the dark. It looks empty, feels empty, and Vanille's eyes fill with tears she quickly blinks away.
She moves further into the house, picks up a rag and begins to dust the surfaces, an easy distraction from the sadness she feels. She won't look at Fang.] We'll just have to make sure it's ready for them!
She wishes, very much, that she could fight something. Hurt something. The anger and the adrenaline from a battle is easier to deal with than this steady, painful tug in her chest.
She notices that Vanille won't make eye contact, and moves to gently place a hand on her shoulder.] Yeah. It'll be fine.
When Fang touches her shoulder, Vanille turns, wringing the dust rag in her hands, eyes bright with a cheer she does not feel.] Right! [She turns away, pulls a broom out of a cupboard, holding it out.] Let's get to work!
She takes the broom from Vanille's hands, gently sets it to the side, and does the only thing she can think to do: she pulls her into a hug.]
It'll be fine. [she says this close to Vanille's ear.] Much as I can't stand that Queen, you'll see. She'll bring them right back. We're all family, after all. We stick together. [She pulls away after a moment, taps Vanille's chin gently.] So chin up, all right?
Her shoulders hitch once, twice, and then she pulls back, looks up at Fang with watery eyes.] I know. [When Fang lets go, taps her chin, she manages a smile, reaches up to wipe her eyes.] All right. [Then she leans in, pokes Fang in the shoulder.] Start cleaning, then!
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