Characters: Everyone participating in the fair.
Date: September 15th - 22nd
Summary: Games! Contests! Food! Rides! Dunk tanks!
Warnings: ... it's a fair (but if your thread goes here, let the mods know and we will edit this)
i've walked these streets in a carnival of sights to see )
She's got a piece of funnel cake in one hand, and is giving it something of a quizzical look (she has never had it before), when she catches sight of a familiar head of blonde hair.]
Oi, Mami-san!
Ah, Utena-san. Been having fun?
[Mami curtsies: a brief, measured dip, pulling out her skirt with her free hand. The flower tiara tilts, slips down her forehead slightly, jostled further when she straightens. There's a small, wry smile on her face, her question a knowingly redundant one.]
Yeah. Have you been on any of the rides yet?
[She dips into a neat bow, as if they were introducing each other at a dance.] You look like you're having fun too.
[She gracefully sets the tiara back in place with a smooth motion of her fingers and considers the question.]
No, not yet. I've just been looking around for the most part. Have you?
No, I haven't gone on any of the rides yet. Do you want to find one? We can go together. [a beat, and she motions to the pastry in her hand.] Hey, have you tried this stuff? It's really good.
But it's fine, right? That sort of thing is silly and childish, and Mami's a girl, besides, and a friend. Something like that isn't even worth thinking about.]
--Wow! It's weird. But it's really sweet too.
Isn't it just? I wasn't expecting it to melt in my mouth like that, when I tried it, but considering it's just wisps of pure sugar..... [she takes another careful nibble]
Do you want to try mine?
Oh, is that really all right? [She glances at the cake, and some part of her subconscious is awaiting the faint pang of nausea to return.]
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