Characters: Fionna the Human, Open
Date: The day after the events of the masquerade ball.
Summary: Fionna has finally ventured off to make her beloved place of residence!
Warnings: None, I don't think.
Getting the dirt had been easier than she thought, but now came the hard part: making sure that she got everything right. First was making sure she was just enough away from the Orchard where it wasn't crowded, almost close to approaching the Ruins. Once she picked the place, she brought the dirt up in the air, and closed her eyes, making sure she got it just right.
First, the tree itself: tall, of the weeping willow variety, hollowed out. The top had the roof, the bridges, one of which led to their boat that served as the lookout, but primarily the bridges were there to lead to another part of the fort. Smaller details, like windows and things, were nearly forgotten but then remembered at the last minute.
When she saw it start to shape itself all its own, she grinned. This had been the hard part: the easy stuff came here. The treasure all over the tree house, heaps of the stuff and then the ladder that led to the living room, with the couch, the tables, the icebox, the kitchen and the poster with the scantily clad gal. The other ladder that led to the tree trunk, with treasure but was mostly empty. The living room had a door that led to the weapon room where she kept all of her neat weapons and junk like gauntlets, assorted armor, swords, an animal head and all, and then to the attic, clean now but mostly empty. She always DID love that you got there by the bucket and pulley, or the bridge from the living room. Then there was her actual room which extended to their other living room, and here Fionna was sure to keep it EXACTLY as it should be: with Cake's stuff littered around, a picture of her with Lord Monochrome, and the cabinet she slept in. On Fionna's side was her own junk, from the rug of that beast she took down to the shark's teeth, and of course the eskimo sleeping bag. Thinking a moment, she made this part of the treehouse longer, and, grinning to herself, added two sliding Japanese doors: one for Marceline and one for Princess Bubblegum. Subaru had given her the idea, and she had to remember to thank the girl properly later.
Finally she filled in the spots outside where the yard, the cave with her tools, and the well that lead to the Beneatheverse.
"Whew! Finally done!" she exclaimed, after several hours of making sure she got EVERYTHING right. "Now I just hope the girls find me!"
She paused. "Aw, nuts! Almost forgot the most important part!"
Fionna hopped into the living room and added the infamous clock: her and Cake on the hour and minute hand, with the words "Timeless" on the rim.