So I was really sad about Cunt dying because she was only two and it was totally unexpected. So Chris, being the bestest friend ever that she is said she would get me a kitten. We had it all planned out. We were going to go to a shelter on Monday and adopt a kitten. Well I looked online and called around and to adopt a kitten, it is like 70 bucks and some of them want to come to your house and some make you wait a week after you pick the kitten out and some even make you wait until they are 6 months and spayed or neutered so I was thinking that this sucks.
A few days earlier, I had gone into a pet shop with my mom and brother and they had three really small kittens that all looked like Cuntly and I wanted one so on Sunday morning, I woke Chris up and begged her to give me the money to go get one of those because the adopting thing wasn't going to work out. So after begging and promising tons of gifts and dirty sex, she said ok and I headed down to the pet store.
So I get to the pet shop and there is only one of the orange ones left and I wanted an orange girl like Cunt was so I asked if it is a boy or girl and they looked and it is a boy. The poor thing was in the corner shaking and hissing at everything and all the other kittens in there were bigger than him so I asked if I could hold him. While walking around with him, I notice this other cage full of kittens and there is one really small black one getting its ass kicked because everybody is bigger than it. So I asked if that one is a boy or girl and they look and it is a girl and then I am torn. The orange one looked like Cunt but was a boy and I wanted to like save him because he looked so scared and the black one was getting her ass kicked and walking back and forth staring at me so I sat there forever trying to decide what to do and the lady says "I'll give you both of them for fifteen." So I did it and now we have two. The orange one is still a scaredy cat but he is coming out of his shell more and they get along well and sleep all curled up together and now what you really care about, the pictures:
Mr. Orange
Ms. Black
Both of them sleeping on my tits.
They told me that they are 6 weeks but we have a feeling they are younger because of the way they behave and such.
They don't have names as of yet but we are working on it.