today was alright. uMm. woke up at like 9 or something and then sat around in my pjs and watched some tv until my mommy got home. then we left for my tourney and after the first game my team went to the mall and ate and walked around, it was pretty fun. then we headed back to the gym where i saw kristin chelsea and dj. those kids are psycho! lOl,
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yesterday was the awards ceremony thing. it was pretty boring actually, well i knew it was already gonna be boring. lOl, it was really short though. like half an hour short! .. it was crazy but i didnt mind. as long as i got to watch friends! good game good game good game! hahah i love those kids :oD well at the ceremony i got mvp for basketball
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projects, projects, pRoJEcTs! dont you just love em? im gonna burst if i get one more project. ive already got one in aas, one in language, and now one in world geography. tEsTs AnD pRoJeCTS! how jim dandy isnt it? fORsHiZz
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yEsTeRdAy, mY tEaM wOn OuR cHaMPiOnShiP gAmE! wOO hOO! iT wAs cRuNk! lOl, tHeN aFteR OuR gAmE wE tOOk a BuNcH oF PiCtuReS wiTh OuR niFtY lOOkiNg MeTaLs tHeN wE wErE RuNniNg aRouNd ThE sChOOl. lOl
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so i had a game today right? well we showed up at cook and then we were watching the game before us and then we got up and warmed up and whatnot and we were waiting for the other team to show up and they never did! so wOO-hOO .. go us! we won! lOl, that was an easy win
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gRrRoWwL. taks is so freakishly gaY! i went like super slow and i took 3 hours just to do the dumb math part! but anyhoo after all that testing was done we went to sixth period and we watched some queer history video and in athletics we did nothing! it was pretty fun though bc me bailey and jessica were throwing kathryns make up around the gym. lOl
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