FMA Fandom Meme snagged from
rosemusek 01. The first character I fell in love with:
Uuuuurgh. Huh. Ok, so I know the RIGHT answer to this question would be “Ed!” or “Al!” because they are the lovable main characters. And the COOL answer would be “Roy!” or “Riza!” because they are, well, COOL.
But, alas, none of these can be MY answer. I was resisting the series HARD because of many things (that are all very silly and unfounded worries, now) so the first character to really break through my shell of affected disinterest was... Hughes.
That’s right! Dead Man Walking, Maes Hughes. I just couldn’t help it! His need to brag on his daughter AT ALL TIMES. His uninhibited adoration of his wife! HOW COULD I NOT LOVE HIM?
02. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:
Hmm, pretty much, everyone?
Haha, naw, I guess I’ll go with Edward Elric! I expected to be rather UNCONCERNED with his character and feelings in general. This was because, well, after so many years following Inuyasha, I assumed I knew where the HOT-HEADED SHOUNEN HERO IN RED schtick was going to lead. Like, *yawn* been there, done that, lets see something new for once.
And then, haha, SURPRISE! Ed is awesome! He adheres to his moral code no matter how difficult the situation might be. He’s cranky because he’s a total sweetheart! He has terrible fashion sense! He is the best big brother ever! He is so adorably short (and jokes regarding his lack of stature will never not be funny)!
03. The character (most) everyone else loves that I don't:
Um, I have no idea! I think that the established fandom in general likes Kimblee a whole lot more than they should. So maybe him? Like, Kimblee is a very excellent psychotic evil bad guy and I appreciate him for that. But… he’s a whole mess of DO NOT WANT in pretty much every other way.
04. The character I love that everyone else hates:
Erm, I do not know! Do people hate any of these characters? How? WHAT IS WRONG WITH THEM? I’ll just say Winry, because fandom hating on the ladies would not surprise me in the least!
05. The character I used to love but don't any longer:
Not in this manga, bud. Arakawa only makes you like characters EVEN MORE THAN YOU EVER THOUGHT YOU COULD as the series goes on, not the other way around.
06. The character I would shag anytime:
Urk! I hate these questions! Because even if I find characters attractive, I ship them way too hard to put a hypothetical fictional version of myself in the way!
Instead, I will say MAJOR ALEX LOUIS ARMSTRONG. Because if the Twilight phenomenon has taught me anything, it is that us women cannot resist a man who sparkles!
(Or Lust. Because lets face it, she was built for that sort of thing! LITERALLY.)
07. The character I want to be like:
Hm, how about everyone?
I want to be like, Riza Hawkeye, tough, stoic, and compassionate.
I want to be like Lan Fan, a kickass fighter, driven by my love and dedication.
I want to be like Izumi Curtis, so rockin’ that my appearance makes other people’s brains short-circuit.
I want to be like Alphonse Elric, kind, self-sacrificing, and an inner will stronger than anyone.
I want to be like Olivier Armstrong, so confident in my own abilities and those of the people around me, that I do not fear even death.
I want to be like Maes Hughes, clever, sarcastic, and never afraid to show just how much I care for the people around me.
I want to be like May Chang, an adorable exterior hiding a wicked little ninja inside.
I want to be like Edward Elric, who sees humanity in everyone. Who takes his feelings of guilt, anger, & pain and turns them into the determination to set things right.
08. The character I'd slap:
Kimblee when he’s talking to Winry in the car about her parents. Pulling the wool over her eyes, twisting the truth, and bringing an old pain back to the surface, all at the same time. NO. Just NO.
Also, maybe Selim Bradley? Pride is cool, he can stay. But good goddamn, Selim, could you could turn the ~*wuvvable wittle boy*~ act down a bit? Thanks.
09. A pairing that I love:
Oh Lord! How do I pick just one?! I love Roy/Riza, Ed/Winry, Al/May and Ling/Lan Fan(/Greed) all so, so, SO MUCH! Plus, Izumi/Sig never fails to be crazy adorable. <333
And on a related note, Sig + Alex with their muscle-y bromance is A THING OF BEAUTY.
10. Two pairings that I hate:
Er, haha, I really dislike these questions that make you potentially rain on someone else's parade. But, well, it's no real secret that I'm not a fan of slash just in general? Like, I have no animosity towards those who enjoy boy/boy, but it's just never been my thing. Also, incest has always been a personal squick.
So, uh, big surprise! But Roy/Ed and Ed/Al are not going on my list of Things I Enjoy.
11. Favorite character:
12. My six fourteen favorite characters (in no particular order):
Riza, Ed, Al, Roy, (Greed)Ling, Izumi, Winry, Lan Fan, Hughes, May, Hohenheim, Alex, Olivier, Scar…
13. My five least favorite characters:
SHOU TUCKER. I loathe him enough for five. (Granted, that is what the reader is supposed to feel for him… but still! It counts.)
14. Which character I am most like:
Hard to say! The main cast is way more awesome than I could ever hope to be, so probably like, Townsperson #47?
15. My deep, dark fandom secret:
*coughs* Ed is growing up pretty nice-looking, yeah?
UGH, I DON’T EVEN LIKE SHORT GUYS! But this? This right here?
FTR, this is a deep, dark secret because I have no problem with admitting the other FEELINGS I have for the rest of the cast! Like Greedling should ALWAYS wear sleeveless shirts, Riza is the literal embodiment of SexyBack, or that Hohenheim’s beard is a little dreamy. )