My livejournal is beauteous thanks to the wonderful jessica silas, i miss the posse, and jibberish... Pita-goss sita-ge pita-gar tita-gy anyone? Wow that takes a lot of concentration to type which is obnoxious. Oh well. Bask in my glorious livejournal, the layout is wonderful.
Oh and we made her bed into a beauteous couch. YOu should come see it. It looks like it should have all along. Not that i didn't like Emily. I did. Jusst hard to live with.
My room has been detripled. It is now just Lauren and me and we now have a beautiful room free of piles of dirty clothing, weird smells and the girl across the hall.
Has anyone else found that they're getting sappier as they get older? I believe that I'm losing a lot of my cynicism. I've just got to stop watching Tom Hanks/Med Ryan movies...