But I like placebo too so there!!! I heart the once more with feeling album I really do. The version of nacy boy that I have is ABSOLULTLEY ORGASMIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and you know it... so HAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA I heart you Caro you looked SOOOOOOOOOO pretty today...and everyday as you know but you hair looked EXPERFECTIUFGSDUGSFJDGYYYIEEEYYY Nice so there pooper scooper
omg lol. hey this is maddy humphreys idk if u remember me??? i was on ur bus in like 7th or 6th grade??? yah...lol omg i just wanted to say that u have EXCELENT taste in music!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 wow i love all those bands esp. radiohead wow!!!!!!!!!!!11okay lol xoxo
OF COURSE I REMEMBER YOU!!!! heyy whats new? fanks I know Radiohead is awesome possum. I am sucha music geek!!!!!!! good to hear from you!!! yeah so...COOL! whats your lj thingie namermerbob?? (if you have one)
Re: heyy!!
February 21 2005, 21:28:04 UTC
lol omg meeee too! music geeks rockk. lol. i actually just got 2 new radiohead cds today i am OBSESSEEDDD with True Love Waits. i actually deleted my lj i hate livejournals. do you have a screen name? xoxo
Comments 10
But I like placebo too so there!!! I heart the once more with feeling album I really do. The version of nacy boy that I have is ABSOLULTLEY ORGASMIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and you know it... so HAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA I heart you Caro you looked SOOOOOOOOOO pretty today...and everyday as you know but you hair looked EXPERFECTIUFGSDUGSFJDGYYYIEEEYYY Nice so there pooper scooper
and I am a whore for Cheap Sex
-Mia and I I have yet to be brave enought to actually write it in permantent marker on my arm coughmiacough
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