considering i have to keep this project a managable 20 pages (consider also that I work 30 hours a week), i picked texts that I was most familiar with and had the most access to. However, considering the audience it reaches, i would love to research it in the future...
• How do you feel about Max’s transition and how it was approached by the show’s writers and producers?: I was slightly offended, to be honest. Max was once a sweet, gentle person and when he began taking T he turned into this macho jerk. Yes, I understand that T can mess with you but not everyone transitions like that. However, since they didn't add many different FTM's it at least gave a general outline of what we go through. I espiecally liked at the end of the third season when he was about to go to his surgery and he was afraid that he might be making the wrong decition and once it was done he couldn't go back.
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thanks for the tip
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