Title: Questions and Answers
a_life_defiant Beta: none, all mistakes are mine.
Time-frame: Post 513
Genre: Drabble
WC: 100
Warnings: possible schmoop (shoot me)
Summary: Brian asks, Justin answers
Disclaimer: Let's get real here - had I been working on QAF, it wouldn't have ended like that. Furthermore, seeing as how I don't have a swimming pool filled with cash - let alone and actual swimming pool - we can safely assume I'm not in this for the money. K thx bai.
A/N: This just kind of popped up and wrote itself. It's weird coming from me and I don't know if i even like it....but here you go anyway.
“I can’t say I’m perfect. And I can’t say I’m never going to fuck up. I mean for fucks-sakes this is me we’re talking about - BUT I can promise you that no one is going to love you more than I do. No one is going to know you like I do. No one will ever fight for you - support you like I will. Because there is nothing else in this whole fucking fucked up world that I want more than I want you. ……so?”
Justin Taylor took a deep breath, said “I do.” Then exhaled as Justin Taylor-Kinney.