Home for the Holidays

Dec 01, 2009 21:04

Hello all!

The holidays are coming up (many, many holidays, actually), and I want to celebrate as I did for Halloween. However, because I want to be open to all, This will be an open-ended fest. At any time, you may post something festive; however, there will be specific holiday-themed challenges weekly. (I am still not sure whether or not there will be winners...)

THE FIRST CHALLENGE- challenge 10: sentimental

Home for the Holidays
+-fest guidelines-+
+-All entries that are not inspired by the weekly prompt should be about any December holiday or something wintery.
+-Prompts inspired by the weekly prompt does not have to be related to December holidays; it just has to deal with the challenge.
+-The mini-fest will start Tuesday (Dec 1) noon and end Wednesday (Jan 6) at noon.
+-Any shipping is allowed. (There should be a shipping somewhere, but I will not delete your post if there isn't.)
+-Submissions are to be from 10 (yes, you read that right) to 1000 words. You can write 1001+, but be reasonable. If you write multiple entries that are under 51 words, group them under a single post.
+-There is no limit on the number of posts!
+-If you are using the challenge, the subject and tag follow the normal comm rules. Feel free to include the "-minifest: december" tag.
+-If you are not using the challenge, the entry's subject should be "Minifest- December: SHIPPING" and the tag should read "-minifest: december".
+-All other community rules apply.


Guys! I don't know how to set up the code so that you can pimp this! If you know how, please comment!

-mod post, -minifest: december

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