Dear Santa (aka Yuletide participant):
I'm so excited for Yuletide, I can't even tell you. I love knowing someone wrote a fic just for me! And I'm the least picky person you've ever met - my biggest requirement is that you enjoy writing your fic, so if anything makes you uncomfortable, please, go with your gut. I'm sure I'll love a story you loved writing more than one that made you miserable.
I know I haven't posted much, (and everything that's public is about movies), so here's a little run-down on who I am.
I like to read, I like to write (though I'm usually pretty private with it - I don't share most of what I write) and I LOVE movies. I work in an office that sucks my soul, so I spend a lot of time daydreaming about my favorite shows and movies, and that usually turns into what I write. I like to think I'm open-minded, so there's not a lot I'll say 'absolutely not' to, and nothing that I won't try once! But I'm also a little vanilla in my tastes, so while I occasionally like BDSM and other kink, it's not my favorite stuff. I love sweets and kittens and fluffy schmoop, but some of my very favorite stories are angsty in the extreme (and not happy endings!).
A list of things that make me happy:
-AUs of every stripe
-X-men crossovers
-strong female characters
-happy endings
-not-happy endings
-explicit sex
-non-explicit sex
-stories with no sex
-character development
-twists on a trope
-plotty romances
-romancy plots
-cooking or time spent in a kitchen
-surprise endings
-car chases
-cuddling (especially with above kittens)
-behind the scenes
-character flashbacks/history/prequel type stuff
-monologing - especially if the other character has an awesome snappy comeback
-minor characters
-background relationships
A list of things that I'm wary of; that I only like when REALLY well done
-medical stuff (used to work in an ER)
-classical music stuff (have a master's in classical performance)
-original characters
A list of things I word prefer not to see
-BDSM and hard-core kink
I'm pretty pleased with my prompts, but I've put more on in italics, if it helps.
Simon Green - Nightside series (Dead Boy)
Dead Boy is my favorite character (though I love John and Razor Eddie and Suzie) and I really wish there was more about him. I'd love a story with him and John doing some sleuthing, or maybe just a vignette about what Dead Boy does in his copious free time.
I think perhaps Dead Boy would be ripe for crossovers - how much fun would he be on Atlantis, or in the Tardis? But seriously, a character piece - god, the details of exactly how he became Dead Boy, his real name, how he met John Taylor, anything.
Amazing Grace (William Pitt/William Wilberforce)
Their relationship fascinates me. I can do slash, if that interests you, but gen is fine too. I'd love to see more of their earlier days, around the time of the footrace around the gardens. That scene is one of my favorites.
If you were feeling rambly, a long sprawling epic of stolen moments of their lives would be awesome, or nice little PWP after their run in the gardens, or some schmoopy hurt/comfort while Wilberforce is ill (slash not necessary - friendship would be so eloquent here), they're just so lovely!
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005) (Gay Perry/Harry Lockhart)
This is much like the request above. I adore their relationship, and while I can see slash there (god, the hilarity that could ensue) I think that I'd love to see more of them simply like they are in the movie. Gay Perry is just 1000% awesome.
You know, I think these two are another great possibility for AUs or crossovers, what fun these characters would be as superheroes or hunters a la SPN? Oh god, the lolz. Canon works just fine too, if you prefer, clearly I love the way they interact, so a missing scene or epilogue would be lovely.
Flyboys (movie) (Any)
I would take anything in this universe. A character study, a pairing, and action piece - whatever tickles your fancy.
Okay, so I have to be honest and say I just really enjoyed everyone in this movie - I LOVE ensemble pieces. So I don't have a favorite character at all, I'd take any story about anybody. I'm okay with pairings or gen, smutty or plotty, whatever your heart desires.
I hope this helps to make your Yuletide writing time merry! Oh, and again - THANK YOU!