Madrigal highlights!

Jun 19, 2011 22:47

This event had a lot of high detail and time consuming set-ups, but I loved the atmosphere of each:

The glacier mod: Not only were there a lot of PCs that got into the freeze-before-they-catch-you mechanic, but I loved all the sounds that people made as they fished a shard from the glacier out of a very very cold crevace. Note to self: Camp mats = crawly mod neccessity, now that they have been tested. Also, really awesome chatting with Albert between groups about 7V and LARPing.

Twin peaks of Fire & Ice/Baleron's Gaze: The whole process/story arc of awakening the Wonder was incredible. It really was one of the first big arcs outside of Eluviar that Torrin and I made "our" plot, and I am glad that it succeeded and that several PCs (you, Klee!) who had never "taken point" on a plot of that size before got to shine.

The Eluviar Gala: After a month plus of preparation for the event, I was largely pleased how the look of it had turned out (though with another half hour, even more awesomeness could have been done!); most especially, I am forever grateful to Torrin, Dyan, Heidi, Sharon, and Kendra for doing large and small parts of the set-up/take-down with me. My prayers to the LARP weather gods were answered that night when I made a bargain at 7V last week to not complain about any and all rain in exchange for a precipitation-free Gala. Now I know the length of time a battery pack can keep two strings of Christmas lights lit....made a great "last call" effect.
  •  Having awesome conversations with the PCs over various matters, large and small. Processing with the Eluviar PCs, hugging Grum, talking with Chance, Klee and others, and hearing and reacting to news of a new Trechelian Queen.
  • The bell was the perfect way to get PCs attention for Father Alec's toast to Cassandra's memory without ever having to shout "Listen up!" Glad I had thought of it!
  • Remarks on Sasha being "Very very very...very...pregnant."
  • So many Queenly gifts, and it wasn't even Calanthia's birthday!
Visiting the Ranger Grove and rebooting White Court Ranger stuff with a new NPC.

"Scolding" Davrem as Constance for sending a dream about researching when she just got the request to research only last event.

After a year+ of their work, having the PCs finally witness/test the Nexus Alarm system. Yay!

madrigal, eluviar, larp

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