You know what they call a Quarter Pounder with cheese in France?

Mar 23, 2010 16:42


Your name: Laura Katariina
Gender: Looks female to me
Age: 18

What's on your mind?: Spring! And how sunny it is outside and how we got rid of useless stuff today and how I could clean my room! :)



Five positive adjectives: Imaginative, a daydreamer, silly, free-spirited, open-minded
Five negative adjectives: Tardy, anti-social, impatient, indecisive, easily distracted.

What's your best trait?: My imagination.
And your worst?: My anti-social tendencies.

Dreams & Ambitions: To travel around the world alone, to photograph different continents and cultures, to direct a movie, to continue being happy in general. To visit outer space ♥
Likes & Hobbies: Photography, wandering aimlessly in nature, stargazing, music, movies, lj, writing, reading, occasional sailing.
Dislikes: Homophobia, hatred, discrimination, injustice, Adam Sandler, Twilight saga, clingy / needy people.

Anything else?: If this helps at all, I'm an INFP + The Dreamy Idealist + An Enneagram Type 5 (The Investigator) + The Generous Artist.



Season: Fall ♥ Followed closely by Spring and Summer. All seasons are beautiful though!
Places: Wandering aimlessly in nature / under the stars at night.
Colors: Earth-tones, blues, purples, black+white.
Music: ooh lots lots lots. Female vocals, electronic stuff, soundtrack music, and music from iceland, england, sweden or denmark.
Films: Again, very very many. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is a movie I can watch over and over again and never get tired of. So are some of Quentin's films too.
Books: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass, Peter Pan, A Clockwork Orange, The Wizard of Oz.



Introverted or extroverted: Introverted
Optimistic or pessimistic: Optimistic
Impulsive or cautious: Impulsive
Mature or immature: Immature
Leader or follower: A loner more likely. Don't want to lead, nor to follow others mindlessly.
Lover or fighter: Lover
Faith or fact: ... This is a tricky one. Sometimes faith, sometimes fact.



Your favorite Tarantino film: The Kill Bill's!
Your least favorite Tarantino film: Because I haven't seen this, I'm going with Jackie Brown.
Your favorite Tarantino character: Elle Driver, O-Ren Ishii, Fredrick Zoller (What? I have a soft spot for him D:), Archie Hicox, Shosanna, Hans Landa!, Arlene (Death Proof), Mr. Pink, ... GOGO YUBARI! I can't believe I was almost forgetting her!
Your favorite quote from a Tarantino film: Aaaah, too many!

"Yeah, that's easy for your to say, you're Mr. White. You have a cool-sounding name. Alright look, if it's no big deal to be Mr. Pink, you wanna trade?"


"As you know, l'm quite keen on comic books. Especially the ones about superheroes. I find the whole mythology surrounding superheroes fascinating. Take my favorite superhero, Superman. Not a great comic book. Not particularly well-drawn. But the mythology... The mythology is not only great, it's unique."

- How long does this shit take to go into effect?

"About two minutes, just long enough for me to finish my point. Now, a staple of the superhero mythology is, there's the superhero and there's the alter ego. Batman is actually Bruce Wayne, Spider-Man is actually Peter Parker. When that character wakes up in the morning, he's Peter Parker. He has to put on a costume to become Spider-Man. And it is in that characteristic Superman stands alone. Superman didn't become Superman. Superman was born Superman. When Superman wakes up in the morning, he's Superman. His alter ego is Clark Kent. His outfit with the big red "S", that's the blanket he was wrapped in as a baby when the Kents found him. Those are his clothes. What Kent wears - the glasses, the business suit - that's the costume. That's the costume Superman wears to blend in with us. Clark Kent is how Superman views us. And what are the characteristics of Clark Kent. He's weak... he's unsure of himself... he's a coward. Clark Kent is Superman's critique on the whole human race. Sorta like Beatrix Kiddo and Mrs. Tommy Plimpton."


"As your leader, I encourage you from time to time, and always in a respectful manner, to question my logic. If you're unconvinced that a particular plan of action I've decided is the wisest, tell me so, but allow me to convince you and I promise you right here and now, no subject will ever be taboo. Except, of course, the subject that was just under discussion. The price you pay for bringing up either my Chinese or American heritage as a negative is... I collect your fucking head. Just like this fucker here. Now, if any of you sons of bitches got anything else to say, now's the fucking time! ...I didn't think so."



Same gender stamp, opposite gender stamp, or both?: Oh, I don't care. Go crazy! :D Just one stamp thought for starters.
Is there any character you feel is nothing like you?: OH dear. Hmm. Bill, probably. Can't think of others at the moment D:
Anything else we ought to know?: Nah, thanks!

Please provide links to 3 applications you've recently voted on! three two one

stamped: fabienne

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