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Here is the first data collection from “The Children Of The Corn” along with some analysis of the data, part of our Genetics lab project.
Children Of The Corn - Data/Analysis I
Jacqueline Hegi, Robert Pace, Rachel Shockey, Stephanie Stepp
Yellow/Green, Ligule/Liguleless, Waxy/Smooth
Yellow Ligule Waxy
+ + + 5
+ + w 13
+ l + 37
+ l w 1
y + + 2
y + w 30
y l + 8
y l w 6
+ l + 37
y + w 30 Non-Recombinant
+ + w 13 Single Recombinant
y l + 8
y l w 6 Single Recombinant
+ + + 5
y + + 2 Double Recombinant
+ l w 1
Yellow Waxy Ligule
+ + l 37
y w + 30
+___ ___w_______+ 13
y___X___+_______l 8
y_______w___ ___l 6
+_______+___X___+ 5
y___ ___+___ ___+ 2
+___X___w___X___l 1
13+8+2+1/102 = 0.23529 * 100 = 23.53 map units
6+5+2+1/102 = 0.1373 * 100 = 13.73 map units
+_____23.53 mu______+_____13.73 mu_______l