29. What item does your character wish he possessed that he doesn't? How badly does he want it and
what would he do to get it?
In terms of physical items, there's nothing he wants that he doesn't already have. Except a nicer leather jacket, and he'd gladly steal one the first chance he'll get.
• Think back to when your character was five years old, eight years old, twelve years old.
Write a holiday gift wish-list from his point of view.
Nate was never really that age, since he was artificially aged, so he wouldn't want anything other than to be a kid.
• How does your character feel about physical possessions in a general sense?
He finds them largely overrated
30. What is your character's most treasured possession?
I don't think there's any one item he'd hold above all others.
1. What is your character's secret dream? What one goal, ambition or desire does he/she keep hidden
from others, and why? What would they do to achieve it?
To have an actual family of his own. He wouldn't do anything to get it. He'd do the opposite and run away when the opportunity presented itself.
• Write a list of your character's top five lifetime achievement goals.
1. Live everyday like its the last.
2. Leave a positive mark on the world.
3. Live to the age of at least "31".
4. Protect the world as best he can.
• Starting at age 15, write down one major goal for each five years of your character's life until
her current age.
15-19. Destroy Apocalypse
20-now. Protect earth-616
2. What is your character's worst fear? How far would she go to avoid it?
That he's being used by someone else. He's relentlessly stubborn, and tends to distrust everyone that he meets as a result.
3. If your character could be any famous person, whom would she choose and why?
Quinten Tarantino. He gets good seats at restaurants.
• List your character's favorite celebrities.
• How does your character feel about the concept of fame and celebrity in general?
He doesn't much care for them, and wonders why people worship them so much.
• Is your character more interested in entertainment figures or historically significant figures?
4. If your character could achieve any one position of authority, what would she choose and why?
Shaman, which is a position of authority, so much as simply being a guide and a helping hand.
5. If your character could change the entire world in one tiny but pervasive way, what would it be?
He'd save someones life.
6. If your character knew he would die tomorrow, what would he do today?
Whatever the fuck he wanted.
7. Who was your character's favorite teacher and why?
AoA Toad. AoA Forge he loved like a father, but the man was a hardass.
8. Does your character tend to focus her efforts on one project at a time, or does he spread his efforts
across a variety of projects?
He tends to be all over the place.
9. Does your character like to cook? If so, what does she like to cook and how good is she at it?
No. But he does love to eat.
10. If someone tried to blackmail your character, what would he do? How easy or difficult would it
It would be difficult. Nate doesn't hide his mistakes, nor does he worry about the cops, family, friends, or anyone else, and he has a severe hatred of being used, so he'd resist on that alone.
11. If your character needed a security clearance for a job she wanted, would she be able to get one?
No. Nate doesn't even legally exist in the reality he lives in.
12. There's someone who hates your character, but your character doesn't realize it. Who is this
person and why does he hate your character so much?
Deadpool. Because of Nate's looks and powers.
• How would your character find out?
By pissing off Wade.
• What would he do about it?
Not much.
13. Someone is secretly in love with your character. Who is it and how does your character feel about
Everybody loves Nate. Except Wade.
14. Is your character at all spiritual or religious? If so, what religion or spiritual path does he follow?
How devout is he?
Not really. He has a sense of spirituality, but no real sense of religion.
• Does he hate all members of any religion(s)?
People who worship Apocalypse are high on his shit list, but otherwise he looks down on all religions equally.
• Is she tolerant of other religions? If so, how tolerant?
He's tolerant, but hates when people go out of their way to tell the world how to live.
15. What hurt will your character never forgive? How old (and how minor or major) is this hurt? How
much does it affect her life?
The death of Forge, who was like a father to him. It affects him greatly, since the situation in which it occurred was mostly because of Nate. It's because of that he doesn't trust anyone.
16. One of your character's parents said something to her that she'll never forget. What are the words
that will always echo in her ears?
"Don't get cocky. Never rely on your powers alone. Never underestimate an opponent."
17. What is your character's favorite color to wear? Is it the same as or different than her favorite
Blue is the color he's most fond of.
18. Open up your character's kitchen cupboards. What do you see?
Junk food. A lot of junk food.
19. What does a typical grocery list look like for your character?
A lot of junk food.