6. If your character knew she would die tomorrow, what would she do today?
Set in motion the things he had ready for finalizing his life, and then spend time with his wife.
7. Who was your character's favorite teacher and why?
Derek tended to like most of his teachers, but he paid the most attention in Jazz band and his Aikido classes after school. His longest association was with his Aikido/hunter teacher, whom he'd studied under since he was seven.
8. Does your character tend to focus her efforts on one project at a time, or does she spread her efforts across a variety of projects?
It varies, depending on what Derek is trying to accomplish. When he’s on contract, all of his activities and efforts are focused on getting the job done. On his free time, he tends to diversify, concentrating on two or three projects at once and going between them as he needs breaks from one or the other.
9. Does your character like to cook? If so, what does she like to cook and how good is she at it?
Derek knows how to cook and is actually very good at it, thanks to his mother and grandmother. He knows a lot about Italian cuisine, has some knowledge of Mexican and Tex-Mex, and of course knows the standard ‘American’ favs like BBQ and grilled foods. He cooks for his household because, quite frankly, his wife could kill someone if she did it.
10. If someone tried to blackmail your character, what would she do? How easy or difficult would it be?
Derek would do his best to hunt down and remove the person(s). He doesn't take kindly to control tactics and would sooner die trying to get the blackmailer first rather than accept the blackmail. Although threatening his family would slow him down, considering they're perfectly capable of taking care of themselves, even better than he can, that's about all it would do. And if the blackmailer killed his family, there would be hell to pay. Derek doesn't really give in.
11. If your character needed a security clearance for a job she wanted, would she be able to get one?
He'd be able to get one, but it would be like pulling teeth, both for him and his fixer.
12. There's someone who hates your character, but your character doesn't realize it. Who is this person and why does he hate your character so much?
Likely one of the more secretive 'bad guys' wandering around the nexus--someone Derek has offended with his opinions and self-righteousness, and yet has enough self control and maturity to keep that opinion totally to him/herself, even while talking to Derek face-to-face in friendly conversations.
• How would your character find out?
Derek might not, if the other person maintained their facade and control.
• What would she do about it?
Probably nothing unless the person in question came to his world to cause trouble. Derek can get downright aggressive verbally, but he doesn't waste time actually fighting with people unless they threaten his world or his family.
13. Someone is secretly in love with your character. Who is it and how does your character feel about him?
Most likely someone who mistakes Derek for Jon Bon Jovi and is feeling a bit of rocker-boy fan-love. Derek as himself is upright and nice and all that, but he's also very obviously married and content to stay that way. He'd probably treat the person with the same regard he treats everyone else and not even be aware that there was something more going on under the surface unless they acted on it. At that point, Derek would politely extract himself, point out (repeatedly) that he was married, and get to a safe distance and stay there.
14. Is your character at all spiritual or religious? If so, what religion or spiritual path does she follow?
Derek was raised catholic, believes in God in some capacity, but his spiritualism tends more towards a buddist lean--probably due to his laid back nature and exposure to his sensei's ways.
How devout is she?
He goes to church, but only when he feels he really needs to have a talk with God (or needs stuff blessed for a hunt).
• Does she hate all members of any religion(s)?
No. He does have it in for the Vatican on his world though.
• Is she tolerant of other religions? If so, how tolerant?
Pretty much. He likes to learn things, and sometimes you can only do that by being tolerant so you can get in close. Of course, if he finds out your religion involves horribly sacrificing this, that, or the other innocent thing, then yeah, he'd start having major 'time to kill this thing' problems. Fortunately for all involved, he's smart enough to know his own temper limits and will distance himself if necessary to keep from getting into a fight with every little 'evil' thing out there.
15. What hurt will your character never forgive? How old (and how minor or major) is this hurt? How much does it affect her life?
Dealing with Ken Washio #2, and watching Ken deal with Jun last year pretty much tried every nerve and resolve Derek had. It fed into an old, old wound from his teen years where his girlfriend slept around with his best friend and then finally left him for the other guy. It also fed into Derek's fears about losing people, which was a constant in his life until recently--from his perspective, Ken was trying to 'steal' Jun back...and Jun, still wounded and confused from not-so-past dealings with her life-long friend/ex-lover/brother, looked to be getting swayed by the guy, as well as being constantly upset and depressed.
To top it off, Ken kept denying that was what he was doing. It was ugly all around. It ended with Ken finally departing the dimension (making Derek even angrier, since the guy abandoned everything at that point and not just his feelings for Jun), and leaving Derek to deal with the aftermath. That left some pretty deep scars in regards to how Derek is willing to deal wth him. It would take a very, very patient and upstanding Ken Washio at this point to get Derek to trust, respect, or like him very much.
16. One of your character's parents said something to her that she'll never forget. What are the words that will always echo in her ears?
"Treat everyone with as much respect as you can."
Not that he's always successful, mind you.
17. What is your character's favorite color to wear? Is it the same as or different than her favorite color?
Derek is very much a jeans-and-t-shirt kind of guy, so a lot of denim colors and various basic T-shirt colors are the norm. Greys, browns, tans--things that blend well into the desert. Occasionally, he'll wear somethng bright like yellow or orange, but not often. He doesn't have much in the way of preference, but if pushed, he will say 'blue', 'denim', or 'grey'.
...it should be noted he looks damned good in just about any shade of purple, lavender and lilac. XD.
18. Open up your character's kitchen cupboards. What do you see?
eeek! A lot of stuff to make a lot of stuff. The cupboards change weekly as he cooks.
19. What does a typical grocery list look like for your character?
Lots of healthy foods--fresh veggies and fruits, red meats, seafood, pasta, sushi makings, chinese ingredients. Occasionally, there's yogurt, and...tofu--although the last is usually in there by request from his wife. Oh, and milk. And coffee.