Daemon Sadi -- Questions for May 6-19

May 29, 2006 12:59

(First time posting. This is Daemon Sadi from Anne Bishop's Black Jewels Trilogy and Dreams Made Flesh. See userinfo for disclaimers.)

6. If your character knew she would die tomorrow, what would she do today?
Given that he is very difficult to kill, being near-immortal it would depend on what cause was as he would want to fight it in order to protect Jaenelle. More's the question of what would he do the day after he died and came back as demon-dead.

7. Who was your character's favorite teacher and why?
Daemon had no real teachers of any worth, most of his lessons were brutally learned at the hands of Dorothea and her coven. Although as a small child, the most important lessons of morality and integrity were placed in him by his father, although he only has vague memories of that.

8. Does your character tend to focus her efforts on one project at a time, or does she spread her efforts across a variety of projects?
He is deadly focused. Not to say he can't multi-task, but when a project has his attention, nothing will shake him from it.

9. Does your character like to cook? If so, what does she like to cook and how good is she at it?
Uhm...he likes to eat? He enjoys well-cooked, home-cooked foods, and has a big weakness for nutcakes, especially those made by his former nanny, Manny.

10. If someone tried to blackmail your character, what would she do? How easy or difficult would it be?
No question. He would let them dance with the Sadist and then kill them. He might let them get away with it for a short time, and then spring a trap on them when he is ready.

11. If your character needed a security clearance for a job she wanted, would she be able to get one?
There's no such thing where he's from, but he is extremely trustworthy to those he values. His father gave him control of the family fortune and many of their properties, including the Territory his father ruled.

12. There's someone who hates your character, but your character doesn't realize it. Who is this person and why does he hate your character so much?
Daemon's default is that most people are the enemy unless proved otherwise. Many males hate him because he's so beautiful and powerful, and he was once Consort to the
most powerful Queen in Kaeleer. Females just want him in their beds and are jealous of his relationship with Jaenelle.
• How would your character find out?
Usually if he sensed something in their psychic scent that wasn't quite right.
• What would she do about it?
Warn them off, and if that didn't work, kill them.

13. Someone is secretly in love with your character. Who is it and how does your character feel about him?
Jaenelle is the only one Daemon loves. He did attract the attentions of Lektra who tried to ruin his reputation so he would have to leave Jaenelle and fall in love with her. He showed her no mercy. Pissing off Daemon, especially to use him for sex, is not a smart thing to do.

14. Is your character at all spiritual or religious? If so, what religion or spiritual path does she follow? How devout is she?
• Does she hate all members of any religion(s)?
• Is she tolerant of other religions? If so, how tolerant?
He's not terribly religious, but he has belief in the natural world and how things work.

15. What hurt will your character never forgive? How old (and how minor or major) is this hurt? How much does it affect her life?
Try to use him or, even worse, harm Jaenelle and to a lesser extent other members of the family, and he will never forgive. He's long-lived and so a debt can go unpaid for sometime, but he will eventually collect on it.

16. One of your character's parents said something to her that she'll never forget. What are the words that will always echo in her ears?
"Everything has a price."

17. What is your character's favorite color to wear? Is it the same as or different than her favorite color?
Daemon wears the same thing. A black suit and white silk shirt.

18. Open up your character's kitchen cupboards. What do you see?
Well, if he's at the Hall, he wouldn't even dare to enter Mrs. Beale's territory and go nosing around in her cupboards.

19. What does a typical grocery list look like for your character?
He leaves that to the staff, but he would want included, coffee, brandy, ingredients for nutcakes, steaks.

daemon sadi

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