1. If you had to characterize your character as an animal, what animal would you choose?
Coydog. Derek has ties and loyalties, not only to family and friends, but to the human race. By the same token, he tends to hold back and prefers staying on the edges of things. So he's got the civilized thing going, but he's really half-wild.
2. If your character were to characterize himself as an animal, what animal would he choose?
He usually wouldn't. He's very poor at the 'what kind of animal, fruit, alien from space are you?' game. If pressed, he'd likely pick something random, or go with his wife's nickname for him, which is 'Old Lion'.
3. Is your character a follower, a rebel or a leader?
Although he denies it, a leader, although one with a loner streak.
4. Your character wakes up in his home and smells smoke. What does he do?
Lies there and tries to identify it by scent. Failing that, he'll get up and go check it out.
5. What's the strangest thing your character ever did?
Hunt vampires.
6. What social niche did your character fill as a child--bully, nerd, cool kid, something else?
He was the nice guy who was always doing something. Alternately, one of the 'band guys'.
7. What's the luckiest thing that ever happened to your character?
He's lucky on a regular basis (he would have to be to survive fourteen years as a vampire hunter).
8. What's the worst stroke of fortune your character ever had?
Being the poor schmuck the master vampire hired in order to use him to lead her to the other hunters and the black cross.
9. If your character had nearly unlimited wealth, what would he spend it on?
Same thing he does now; run a few businesses on the side, pay for a lot of his own hunting equipment, buy things for his family, sock a lot back into savings and the like, and sock even more into various charities.
10. Who's the craziest person your character has ever known, and what was their relationship like?
Jack Crow. They respected each other, but Crow was constantly pushing Derek, and Derek was constantly giving Jack hell and refusing to let the guy lord it over him. Two Alphas trying to get the other to back down.
11. How does your character make a living and why did he choose that route?
Vampire hunter. He ended up in that career after killing his own infected parents, getting convicted and locked in an asylum, and then getting let out on the request of his old teacher and the tolerance of the government.
12. If your character had a theme song, what would it be? (You can either pick a real song or make one up.)
It changes. Right now, its River Runs Dry, by (predicatably) Bon Jovi. XD
13. If someone wrote love poetry to or about your character, how would it read?
Um...oddly enough, Derek and 'poetry' just don't match up in my head. They'd be more likely to sing another Bon Jovi song about him.
14. How would your character court the person of his dreams?
Well, let's see. He made friends with her, provided a lot of emotional support, took her places she wanted to go without pressuring her, let her make the first move when it came to sex...Basically, he would just be there for them and offer what he could of himself. Oh, and shower the bed they sleep in with flowers every morning.
15. How does your character prefer to solve minor arguments with others?
Talk it out if he can, let it go if he can't.
16. What is the worst tragedy your character has ever personally witnessed?
In canon, it would be the massacre of the church where the cross had been hidden.
17. If your character were a writer, what type of material would he write?
Movie and video game scripts.
18. How healthy is your character?
About as healthy as a human can get when he hasn't just come off from being injured.
19. How does your character feel about doctors?
They're okay. Some are cool, some are assholes, and they do an important job.
20. If your character could be someone else, who would he want to be?
Not Jon Bon Jovi, that's for sure.
21. Does your character want power or authority of any kind?
No, but he knows how to use it when he's in that position, and knows sometimes it's necessary.
22. Describe the nature and intensity of your character's religious feelings.
Catholic. Considering that half the deal with vampires on his world revolve around the religion, such as knowing weapons blessed by devout priests work MUCH better on vampires than regular ones, he can't not believe in it at least a little. By the same token, he's not fanatical, and he doesn't expect other people to believe what he believes in. How he worships is completely private and not for sharing.
23. Pick three adjectives that best describe your character's inner nature.
Determined, focused, gentle
24. Pick three adjectives that best describe your character's outer manner.
Calm, level-headed, kind
25. What is your character's view on basic human nature?
People are what they are and trying to mess with that is futile.
26. How does your character view animals--as pests, pets, workers or dangers? Are pets viewed more as family or as second-class citizens? How far would he go to protect or take care of an animal?
Derek is actually not much of a pet person, although when he does have one, he takes total responsibility for it on all levels and treat it as family. I wouldn't mess with a pet of his; he's not very forgiving on people who hurt his loved ones.
27. How generous is your character toward strangers?
How generous is he towards them with his time?
He has the time.
...his money?
Other than charities or buying specific items, like food or needed gear, he doesn't share his money.
...his aid in times of crisis?
Whatever it takes.
...his attitudes?
If he's comfortable, he'll share a little.
...his emotional support?
He'll do what he can without getting sucked into it.
28. How easily does your character relate to others?
Very well...which is why he's a loner more often than not.
29. Does your character prefer adventure or security?
He gets restless if things are too secure.
30. Is your character a dreamer, or are his feet firmly planted on the ground?
Realist with dreams.
31. What was the last medical problem your character had?
Vampire infection.