Derek Bliss, dear_multiverse, wing_line

Sep 04, 2006 09:17

1. Close your eyes and picture a shelf in your character's library. List the titles of the books on that shelf.
The Holy Bible, The Stand, various books on computer programming, the last three issues of Gun and Ammo, Gun/Ammo/Distributer catalogue for the current year, World Atlas for both his world and Jun’s world, books on building codes, and a kanjii dictionary.

2. How does your character prefer to celebrate her victories and successes?
Quietly, if at all. He prefers it just be him and his wife, a simple dinner, and maybe some snuggling.

3. What is your character's view on privacy--hers and others'?
Derek is pretty damned private, for all his seeming loud-mouthed talking in the Nexus. If people paid attention, they'd realize that he actually doesn't give out any information that can't be found by other means, and that hasn't already been stated by someone else--at least in public. Out of the general eye, though, if it has to do with work, business, or peoples' lives, he wants to know everything, and he does believe in open communication between allies. He's learned the hard way over the years what damage keeping your mouth shut can do.

4. What double standards does your character hold? How does she expect to be treated differently from the ways in which she treats others? Does she acknowledge this double standard or deny it?
Derek can be an ass, and feel completely justified when he does it (which fortunately, is not often). This he does not acknowledge. His other double standard is that he actually holds himself to a pretty strict moral and behavioral code....but does not expect the same out of others. He gives leeway he would never give himself. By the same token, though, push him too far in that arena, and we find ourselves back at point one for this question.

5. What sort of legacy does your character wish to leave behind?
A world that is at least prepared to deal with vampries, and is better protected from war and aliens than it was while he was living in it.

6. What would your character like to see written on her tombstone?
'I Was Nobody's Hero--
Just a Loving Husband, Much Loved Father, and a Good Man.'

7. Write an obituary for your character.
'Derek Anthony Bliss, an agent for the supernatural branch of the ISO, died peacefully on the beach of his Malibu estate last week. The 143 year-old widower was survived by two children and five grandchildren, and was known for both his charity work and education efforts, as well as being a dedicated husband to Shiratori Jun of the KNT.'

8. Imagine that a local newspaper or alumni newsletter has chosen to spotlight your character this month. Write that article, or the interview held by the reporter.
Eheheh...Derek would run. I'm already having problems finishing out the supposed interview he and his wife had a few weeks back XD.

9. What is the most shameful thing that ever happened to your character?
Killing his parents.

10. What is the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to your character?
Getting mistaken for Jon Bon Jovi when he was younger, and getting mobbed for it. Repeatedly.

11. Does your character hold any extremist political viewpoints?

12. If your character had to pick one popular saying to embody her philosophy toward life, what would it be?
'When the going gets tough, the tough get going.' and 'Somebody's got to do it--so it might as well be me.'

13. In terms of romantic relationships, what is your character's "type"? What does she think her type is? Are these two things the same or different?
Derek is the 'wait in the weeds' type. Very patient, very kind, very much 'make friends with her', and very respectful of his partner's space. He can wait years for what he wants, all the time luring her in with being himself. In other words--he's a 'stealth romantic'. As for what he thinks? He'd just look at you funny and go, "Yeah, whatever."

14. When was the last time your character took a vacation?
He is very determinedly taking one right this very moment.

15. What person has most influenced your character's development as an adult?
His father, his piano teacher, and his aikido sensei.

16. Did your character have any heroes as a child?
His parents.

17. Open up the cabinets in your character's bathroom and describe what you find there.
Tiger balm, ibuprofen, tooth paste, tooth brush, mouthwash, floss, old time switch-blade razor, uncscented shaving cream, witch hazel, rubbing alchohol, hydrogen peroxide, ace bandage, aspirin, the remainder of his anti-vampire virus meds, deoderant (unscented), condoms he never uses any more, nail clippers (both types), nail file, tweezers, unscented baby oil and lotion. (hey, you don't think he can look that good after so many years in the desert without some sort of maintenance, do you?)

18. What is the best vacation your character has ever taken?
Last year at the resort with Jun during his birthday.

19. What is the most memorable romantic encounter your character has ever had?
The night of the masquarade last year.

20. What is the biggest lie your character has ever told?
Uh...the various aliases/personnas he had to take up while vampire hunting in areas where being a vampire hunter was a good way to get jailed. Most of Derek's lies are 'lies by ommision'.

21. What is the most cruel and hurtful thing your character has ever done?
Getting rough with Zoe when he first thought she was a vampire.

22. Has your character ever broken any laws? Did she get caught?
Other than killing his parents? False identities, B&E sometimes to get into places where vampires were. Really, the whole vampire hunting business is only quasi-legal on Derek's homeworld, so potentially anything he did as a hunter could be considered breaking the law. Obviously, since he was still a free man with no criminal record on his current identity, he never got cuaght.

23. Who was your character's best friend during childhood?
Steve and Christina.

24. If your character were to paint the inside of her house, what color scheme would she use?
Off white. And he loves victorian mahogany wood.

25. Who was your character's best friend during her teenage years?
Steve and Christina

26. Describe your character's dream home.
Beach house, like the one his parents owned.

27. Who was your character's best friend during adolescence?
Steve and Christina (sensing a theme here)

28. Describe your character's childhood home.
Moderately big, peaceful, quiet, well maintained, two floors, two and one half baths, five bedrooms, off the ocean on top of a cliff, private beach.

29. What is the most cruel and hurtful thing your character has ever said?
Other than cussing at people? Not much.

30. How good is your character at manipulating other people? To what end does she do it?
Derek is moderately skilled--enough to either really piss people off in order to attack him or make them forget he's at all important to them. Usually, though, he settles for being direct.

derek bliss (vampires: los muertos/au), dear_multiverse

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