Sometimes the world works like that. It always seems you are never good enough and you have to work twice as hard for the same results. It is cruel and unfair. Yet the thing is, this suffering you go through made you who you are. Without it people would not appreciate you nearly as much. With out your test and trials of life, you would not be the Bruce so many people care so dearly about. These people that piss you off probably do not have friends like yours or a shadow of the potential you have. You sometimes you have to sit back and just let things go. Relax and relize you are a great person.
Bruce your hard work doesn't go un-noticed, everyone appreciates how much effort you put into everything. Your job would probably go out of business if it wasn't for you. And about these people who don't work as hard, they are going to have a rough time when they get older because they haven't experienced how hard life really is, meanwhile you will already be used to it, making things better and easier for yourself. So just try to believe that all good things come in due time. Much love my brotha
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~Jilli Willi~
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