Go whitewater rafting
Bungee jumping
Sky sailing -- aerobatic style
Go hang gliding
Climb the Eiffel Tower
Fall in love in Paris
Take a gondola in Venice
Be in a movie
Climb a mountain
Kiss in the rain
Horseback riding on the beach
Own a motorcycle, at least once
Scuba dive through a shipwreck
Sky dive
Learn to surf
Play an instrument
Swim with dolphins
Drink margaritas in Cancun
Spend the night on the beach
Attend Mardi Gras in New Orleans
See a broadway show in New York
Sail down the Nile
Climb the pyramids
Buy (and wear!) rainboots of a precarious color
Be absolutely content with everything for one moment
Be absolutely content with everything for many moments
Cut my hair short, at least once
Learn to pickpocket
Never pickpocket
Learn to speak with a perfect Irish accent
Speak at least three languages fluently
Do something crazy on a whim
Swim fully clothed
Skinny dip
Donate to charity
Help Africa
Do something nice for a stranger
Participate in an archaelogical dig
Have a meaningful conversation with a bum
Have a meaningless conversation with Someone Important
Learn to flip pancakes
Marry a musician in Vegas
Just kidding! Get a divorce
Marry the same musician somewhere beautiful
Raise a child or two
Close my eyes, pick a place on a map, go there without hesitation
Take a cruise
Have a picnic on the Great Wall of China
See Titanic before She falls apart
Take a bath in pink champagne
Try tofu
Snorkel through the Great Barrier Reef
See a Tazmanian Devil
Hear a live lemur chorus
Free Willy or lobsters in a restaurant, etc
Celebrate Summer Solstice -- naked
Dress up for Halloween, every year
Grow a garden
Discover the meaning of life
Buy some vicious stilettos
Win the lottery
Give everything away
Own many cats, or one extremely clever cat
Go to the circus
Take ballet lessons
Be an Indian for a day
Be an Amazon Princess for a day
Meet Elijah Wood and Billy Zane
Visit where Anne Frank lived
Love something or someone so desperately it hurts
Save someone
Let someone return the favor
Take a compliment
Give plenty away
Have an imaginary friend
Perfect the art of lying
Avoid lying if at all possible
Become an actress
Die in someone's arms
Rid the world of mayonnaise
Bobsled down something
Eat Belgium waffles in Belgium
Paint a house
Learn to change a tire
Spend a year without t.v.
Go hot ballooning
Protest for something I believe in
Get a tattoo (small, discreet)
Uncover past lives
Start a garage band
Go waterskiing
Knitt a blanket
Consider swimming with sharks, but in one of those metal cages
Use oil paints on a fresh canvas
Change someone's life
Live in a house with lots of windows
Just remember to live
so august is stretching and pregnant with autumn; who could have guessed i'd have so little to say? i can feel the build-up before the onsalught of verbal birth. anyday now, anyday-- the water will break.
(hahaha, pregnancy metaphors! i kill myself.)