ELA- final (survey)

Nov 07, 2009 21:12

Greetings of Peace!

I am Arianne Patricia D. Onte, a Senior student from St. Scholastica’s College- Westgrove. I am currently conducting a research on the effects of different family environments to the children. This serves as my main focus for my thesis this year; a requirement for all graduating students of SSCW, under the subject English Language Arts.

In line with this I would like to ask for a few minutes of your time, to answer the survey presented below. Rest assured that all data that will be collected from the survey will be kept confidential. You are not obliged, though, to answer the following questions should they place you in an uncomfortable position. However, if you do answer the survey, I will appreciate it very much as it will help greatly in the improvement of my thesis, and the statistics I will present in co- ordinance with this study.

Thank you for your cooperation and time.

Respectfully yours,


Arianne Patricia D. Onte

Name (optional): _______________________________________________________________________

Age: _____    Gender: Male ____ Female ____                                                                                 Signature___________

Please choose one answer for each question.

How did your parents discipline you when you were a child?

*check the one that you think best describes your childhood relationship with your parents.

(for example, if you think you were disciplined physically, then check yes for that statement, and proceed to the next set.)

I was physically disciplined. (by way of spanking or hitting)                                        YES                         NO

I was verbally disciplined. (by way of reprimands)                                                          YES                         NO

I was often asked what I was doing,                                                                                        YES                         NO

to the extent that they never let me do anything by myself.

My parents never disciplined me. They didn’t have the time.                                    YES                         NO

My parents had other ways of disciplining me.                                                                 YES                         NO

(if yes, please specify) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

If you were physically disciplined, please answer the following questions:

1.)  I was often spanked or hit when I committed a mistake.                                        A             S              N

2.) I was exposed to slippers, belts, or sticks when I was young.                                 A             S              N

3.) It was my dad who usually used these disciplinary methods on me.                   A             S              N

4.) It was my mom who usually used these disciplinary methods on me.                                A             S              N

5.) My parents would explain to me afterwards, why they hit me.                            A             S              N

6.) I did not like it when I was hit. I cried often.                                                                   A             S              N

7.) I understood completely why they resorted to hitting me.                                     A             S              N

8.) Growing up, I found that I too,                                                                                            A             S              N

tended to hit younger children if they committed mistakes.

9.) I grew up thinking that I must be the first                                                                       A             S              N

to dominate others if I didn’t want to get hurt.

10.) In my school, I turned out to be the bully.                                                                    A             S              N

Now that I am past that phase, I believe that                                                                      YES                         NO

my parents’ way of disciplining me was correct,

and in fact, I plan to use them on my children.

If no, please explain briefly: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

If you were verbally disciplined, please answer the following questions:

1.)  I was often shouted at or cursed when I committed a mistake.                           A             S              N

2.) I was exposed to strong language when I was young.                                                               A             S              N

3.) It was my dad who usually used these disciplinary methods on me.                   A             S              N

4.) It was my mom who usually used these disciplinary methods on me.                                A             S              N

5.) My parents would explain to me afterwards, why they shouted at me.           A             S              N

6.) I did not like it when I was shouted at. I cried often.                                                  A             S              N

7.) I understood completely why they resorted to shouting at me.                           A             S              N

8.) Growing up, I found that I too,                                                                                            A             S              N

tended to shout or curse  younger children if they committed mistakes.

9.) I grew up thinking that I could also use language                                                         A             S              N

as strong as my parents’ whenever I got angry.

10.) In my school, I turned out to be the loud-mouth.                                                     A             S              N

I shouted often, sometimes just out of habit.

Now that I am past that phase, I believe that                                                                      YES                         NO

my parents’ way of disciplining me was correct,

and in fact, I plan to use them on my children.

If no, please explain briefly: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

If your parents often asked you of your actions, please answer the following questions:

1.)  I was often interrogated when I committed a mistake.                                           A             S              N

2.) My parents never let me do anything on my own.                                                     A             S              N

3.) It was my dad who usually used these disciplinary methods on me.                   A             S              N

4.) It was my mom who usually used these disciplinary methods on me.                                A             S              N

5.) I found myself asking my parents to let me do things independently                 A             S              N

but they would say no.

6.) I did not like it when they asked me too much questions.                                       A             S              N

7.) I understood completely why they asked me so many questions.                       A             S              N

8.) Growing up, I found that I too,                                                                                            A             S              N

tended to ask a lot of questions to younger children

to the point that they thought I was meddling .

9.) I grew up thinking that I must know what other people were doing, and why.              A             S              N

10.) In my school, I turned out to be the “meddler”.                                                        A             S              N

I did not care if my questions bothered my classmates.

Now that I am past that phase, I believe that                                                                      YES                         NO

my parents’ way of disciplining me was correct,

and in fact, I plan to use them on my children.

If no, please explain briefly: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

If your parents never disciplined you because they had no time, please answer the following questions:

1.)  I was often left alone when I was young.                                                                       A             S              N

2.) I remember craving for my parents’ attention.                                                            A             S              N

3.) It was my dad who treated me with the most aloofness.                                        A             S              N

4.) It was my mom who treated mw with the most aloofness.                                    A             S              N

5.) I found myself thinking up ways on how to get my parents’ attention,             A             S              N

even if this meant doing something naughty.

6.) I did not like it when they left me alone.                                                                         A             S              N

7.) I understood completely why they left me alone so often.                                    A             S              N

8.) Growing up, I found that I wanted to be the center of attention.                        A             S              N

to the point that they thought I was meddling .

9.) I grew up thinking that to win people’s attention                                                        A             S              N

I had to show-off or brag.

10.) In my school, I turned out to be the “kulang sa pansin”.                                       A             S              N

I did not care if I was already hurting my classmates, or being too showy so long as I got someone’s attention.

Now that I am past that phase, I believe that                                                                      YES                         NO

my parents’ way of disciplining me was correct,

and in fact, I plan to use them on my children.

If no, please explain briefly: _________________________________________________________________________

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