Yes, Virginia, There Really Is An Iron Man: Chapter Twelve

Jun 04, 2008 22:03

TITLE: Yes, Virginia, There Really Is An Iron Man
AUTHOR: Quicksilvermad
SUMMARY: (Movie-verse) Pepper deals with Tony’s newfound lease on life and ends up making a mountain out of her molehill of emotion where her boss is concerned.
GENRE: Humor/Romance
PAIRING: Tony/Pepper
DISCLAIMER: Iron Man etc. belong to Marvel Comics et. al.

AN: Sorry for the extreme shortness and length between chapters. Again. I'm stuck on one chapter further down the road and it's sucking up my priorities. Damn, I need to write a LLLLOOONNNGGG one. The rating may end up changing, by the way. Those of you who have read some of my previous stuff may realize that’s where I’m going with this. But for now, it’s still PG13 stuff.

Chapter Twelve::

Pepper woke up at 6:00AM on the nose as she did every morning without fail. But, for some reason, things were out of place on this particular morning.

For one, her living room was never this big.

Two, her couch didn’t usually breathe.

Three, her throw pillows didn’t leave dents in her forehead.

Wait… Breathing… Heartbeat… Low humming noise like a fluorescent light…

Pepper cautiously opened one eye and found herself draped across Tony Stark like an afghan.

Her first instinct was complete panic-then she approached the issue from the fact that she was actually rather comfortable save the metal digging into her forehead and she moved her head slightly away from the arc reactor to relieve the pressure.

Pepper ended up with her nose and cheek pressed against Tony’s upper abdomen and wondered where, exactly, her hands were.

She flexed her fingers and felt the smooth skin of Tony’s shoulder under her left hand. Her right hand was suspiciously asleep. Her left leg was trapped between his thighs and knees and the other was caught against him and the back of the sofa

She could feel Tony’s hands against her back, so she was “safe” there…

Where is my other hand?!

“Are you groping my ass?” came the sleep-fogged voice of her boss.

Oh shit.

Pepper’s throat closed up on her and all that she could get out was a plaintive squeaking sound.

She could practically hear him trying to hide a grin. Smug jackass.


Pretend you’re asleep.

“You’re faking.”

“How can you tell?!” she exploded-propping her chin against the base of his breastbone to meet his bleary eyes.

He winced a little as the point of her chin dug into a bruise but covered it expertly with a sideways grin. “You were holding your breath.”

“My hand is asleep.”

Tony reached across her back with his good hand and lifted his hips to pull her hand out of its hiding place. His thoughtless move pressed a prominent portion of his anatomy into her belly. Pepper turned scarlet even before she got her hand back and Tony almost matched the color in her cheeks with his own.

“Okay, this is awkward,” he mumbled. Every damn morning…

Pepper bit her upper and lower lips at the same time and couldn’t agree more. What wasn’t awkward about accidentally spending the night with your boss who’s high on Demerol and then waking up on top of him when he’s sporting morning wood?

“Right,” she covered her eyes with her left hand. “I’ll just… Close my eyes and you can… You can, um…”

“Shove you, run up to my shower and hide?”

Pepper didn’t think he meant for her to answer this and just waited.

“Oh-kay,” he said shakily. “On three.”

“On the word or after you say it?”

“After. One, two…” he braced his hands on her shoulders. “Three.”

Gently, Tony shoved Pepper backwards and dashed out of the room like there was a fire. Pepper had never heard him move quite that fast before.


“Mr. Stark is in his room.”

Pepper dropped her hand and peeked at the stairwell. “Jarvis, if Mr. Stark returns to the living area before me, inform him that I’m in the guest room.”

“Will do, Miss Potts.”

“Thank you, Jarvis.”

Pepper stamped upstairs and hung a right at the top. The guest room she spoke of was unofficially dubbed “Pepper’s Room” since she kept some spare clothes and essentials in it (and for some reason, every time she opened the door to the walk-in closet that was only one eighth of the way full when she stocked it, another eighth had been added).

She closed the door to “her” room and leaned against the framing.

“This has gone way past awkward and straight into embarrassing.”

“Why do you say that, Miss Potts?”

Pepper jumped-forgetting for a moment about Jarvis. She quickly gathered her wits, dug an unfamiliar looking grey suit and reddish-purple blouse out of the closet, and headed for the bathroom.

“That, Jarvis, is none of your bee’s wax.”

“Certainly. I will refrain from asking why you are embarrassed.”

Pepper scowled and wished, not for the first time, that Jarvis had a face or something she could glare at. “You just did.”

“My mistake.”

“I can’t talk about this with a ‘guy.’ Go bother Tony.”

“As you wish,” Jarvis said.

Pepper swore she felt a smile behind those three words.


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Also, I have now seen Iron Man four times. I might just go again tomorrow since I've got nothing to do before class. ;D

fanfic:yes virginia...iron man, ship:tony/pepper, fanfic:iron man

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