______What is your favorite_______
[x]gum: Orbit, Ice, Big Red
[x]restaurant: Pollo Tropical
[x]drink: chicha, frescolita, frica juice
[x]season: fall (my bday), spring (its pretty)
[x]type of weather: warm and a bit windy
[x]emotion: happy
[x]thing to do on a half day: b w/ Mark
[x]late-night activity: chat online (on regular days ;-))
[x]sport: 2 play:karate, 2 watch: baseball
[x]city: hmmm, duno
[x]store: Body Shop
_______When was the last time you_______
[x]cried: this past sat. and sun.
[x]played a sport: hmmm.. cant remember
[x]laughed: a bit: a few mins. ago, alot last nite watching Friends
[x]hugged someone: a few mins. ago, Coos-Coos
[x]kissed someone: on the cheek: every1 in my house yesterday, on lips: Mark sat. nite
[x]felt depressed: sat. nite
[x]felt overworked: hmm, dunno
[x]faked sick: um, not in a while
[x]lied: hmm, dunno.... theres always a lil white lie here and there..
_______What was the last_______
[x]word you said: um, ? dunno
[x]thing you ate: 2 pop-tarts a while ago
[x]song you listened to: read between the lies-USH, online
[x]thing you drank: OJ
[x]place you went to: warped tour on sat.
[x]movie you saw: spiderman/i, robot/white chicks (bak 2 bak)
[x]movie you rented: not much into renting..
_______Who was the last person you_______
[x]hugged: every1 home last nite...
[x]cried over: Mark
[x]kissed: on lips, Mark
[x]danced with: hmm, dunno..
[x]shared a secret with: hmmm i dunno
[x]had a sleepover with: Erica's
[x]called: Mark
[x]saw: Coos-Coos
[x]were angry with: myself
[x]couldn't take your eyes off: no comment
[x]obsessed over: um, hmm... so freshman yr.
_______Have you ever_______
[x]danced in the rain: um, if u call it dancing...
[x]kissed someone: ofcourse
[x]done drugs: YUK, eh.. NO!
[x]drank alcohol: yeah, but its yukky
[x]slept around: ? like w/ a bunch of guys? nope
[x]partied 'til the sun came up: hmm dunno
[x]had a movie marathon: wat do u mean by marathon?
[x]gone too far on a dare: not very good at dares :-/
[x]spun until you were immensely dizzy: sure on those wheely computer chairs...
[x]taken a survey: sure
_______My life_______
[x] name: Maria Vanessa Moreno Iglesias
[x] gender: female
[x] birthday: Sep. 3 (1987)
[x] relationship status: Committed, and happy
[x] nationality: me and close family: Venezuelan, ancestors: Spain
[x] occupation: gonna b a high school Junior
[x] i'm feeling: very Bored, tired (of doing nothing)
[x] i'm listening to: Y-100
[x] i'm doing: Taking this quiz, chatting w/ peeps
[x] i'm talking to: jason, alba, and my dad (online)
[x] i'm craving: Mark :-/
[x] i'm thinking of: Mark
[x] i'm hating: no 1 at the moment...
[x] love is: wat i found w/ Mark, wat i can finally say and mean...
[x] my first love: crush/love:Osmar, real love:Mark
[x] my current love: Mark
[x] love or lust: Love?
[x] best love song: hmm, dunno...theres a bunch
[x] is it possible to be in love w/ more than one person?: hmm, dunno, and if it is, i dunt really think it would b love :-/
[x] when love hurts: when ur loved 1 turns on u
[x] is there such thing as love @ first sight?: hmm, never happened 2 me, so i wouldnt know
_______Picky picky_______
[x] dog or cat: Dog, but im ok w/ both
[x] short or long hair: on who? depends
[x] sunshine or rain: both together, its beautiful (if the rain is light)
[x] hugs or kisses: BOTH!
[x] summer or winter: hmm, dunno..
[x] written letters or e-mails: dont do much of either, but i guess emails
[x] playstation or nintendo: hmm, dont have either, so dont know
[x] car or motorcycle: Car (mustang)
[x] house party or club: House party...
[x] sing or dance: um, cant do either 1 very good :-/
[x] how are you today?: ok i guess, bored
[x] what pants are you wearing right now?: nothing...(underwear)
[x] what shirt are you wearing right now?: a big sleep-w/ shirt
[x] what does your hair look like at the moment?: messy pony tail
[x] what song are you listening to right now?: sum song on Y-100
[x] how is the weather right now?: sunny, (finnaly) after pouring rain 4 so long..
[x] who was last person u talked to on the phone?: hmm, dunno.. no1 in a while
[x] last dream i can remember?: ive had sum strange dreams lately, but none that i can rememeber...id say the blond kid dream..
[x] who am i talking to right now: no1 at the moment
[x] what time is it?: um 12:sumthing pm
_______More about you!_______
[x] what are the last four digits of your phone number?: 6014 or 0362
[x] if you were a crayon, what color would you be?: pink
[x] have you ever almost died?: when i was born
[x] do you like the person that sent you this?: Nobody sent it to me, I got it off Jon's LJ :-P
[x] what's the next CD your going to buy?: hmm, dunno
[x] what's the best advice ever given to you?: "relax" lol
[x] have you ever won any special award?: yeah, swimming tornaments, karate tornaments, school stuff, band stuff...
[x] what's the stupidest thing you've ever done?: Can you be more specific plz (ditto)
[x] if you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?: hmm, dunno, my skin? wish it could tan easily and stay..
[x] where do you shop the most?: dunno
[x] how many kids do you want to have?: 2 or 3...
[x] son's name?: hmm dunno...
[x] daughter's name?: dunno..
[x] shampoo?: Herbal Essences, or w/e my mum gets/..
[x] what are you most scared of?: Losing those I care about the most (ditto), spiders, mosquitos (they eat me alive!), heights...
[x] how many TV's do you have in your house?: 2
[x] do you have your own TV?: no
[x] do you have your own phone line?: um not at home, but i have a cell
[x] do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: yup
[x] have you ever broken/sprained/fractured a bone?: um i think so...
[x] who do you dream about?: ne1 and every1
[x] who do you tell your dreams to?: depends wat it s about
[x] who's the loudest friend you have?: other than me, erica
[x] who's the quietest friend you have?: alba
[x] is cheerleading a sport?: no :-/ its a... i dunno...dont like them very much though...
[x] how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?: never could find out cause im more of a bitter than a licker..lol
_______Me and love_______
[x] do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: yes, a bf
[x] do you have a crush?: yes
[x] in love right now?: Very much so (ditto)
[x] where would you like to go on your honeymoon?: Sicily and Venice (oo, ditto!!)
[x] do you find yourself ugly?: um, i dont think so...
[x] do others find you attractive?: sum have told me :-/