Name: tifaching Email: Title: Sneak Attack Summary: Second story in a series where Dean is turned into a tiny orange kitten. Visuals: Tiny kitten Dean attacking Sam's foot from above the blankets. Dean balancing on Sam's palm and pawing his nose. Dean curling up on Sam's chest to go to sleep.
Yay!!! I'm so happy. And to be honest. I'd already started on a piece for this fic because I just couldn't resist. So it shouldn't take long to get it finished now.
And not to be creepy, presumptuous, a harasser, or anything like that - but you wouldn't by any chance happen to also want a piece of art for the original fic, Tree'd, would you? Because after reading it I have an image in my head that I would love to see come to fruition. Let me know if you are interested.
Title: Sneak Attack
Summary: Second story in a series where Dean is turned into a tiny orange kitten.
Visuals: Tiny kitten Dean attacking Sam's foot from above the blankets. Dean balancing on Sam's palm and pawing his nose. Dean curling up on Sam's chest to go to sleep.
And not to be creepy, presumptuous, a harasser, or anything like that - but you wouldn't by any chance happen to also want a piece of art for the original fic, Tree'd, would you? Because after reading it I have an image in my head that I would love to see come to fruition. Let me know if you are interested.
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