Title: Under the Sea (not posted yet, I will post it privately so you can see it or send it to you upon request)
Summary: Sam Winchester bangs a mermaid. What else could you possibly need to know? Okay. Based on this S12 AU, Sam and Dean are hiding out from Lucifer on a boat, when a smitten mermaid shows up (not exactly as described in the original post, since I decided that was more noncon than I wanted). The fic is *not* NSFW and I'd rather keep the art that way too.
Visuals: Again, Sam Winchester bangs a mermaid. What else do you need? How about shirtless Winchesters, swimming with dolphins, sunglasses, and a boat.
If no one claims this by the time I'm done with the first one I took on, I'll jump on this! (I kinda have a thing for Sam and fins. I dunno; it's a thing.)
Email: caran dot finn at yahoo dot com
Title: Under the Sea (not posted yet, I will post it privately so you can see it or send it to you upon request)
Summary: Sam Winchester bangs a mermaid. What else could you possibly need to know? Okay. Based on this S12 AU, Sam and Dean are hiding out from Lucifer on a boat, when a smitten mermaid shows up (not exactly as described in the original post, since I decided that was more noncon than I wanted). The fic is *not* NSFW and I'd rather keep the art that way too.
Visuals: Again, Sam Winchester bangs a mermaid. What else do you need? How about shirtless Winchesters, swimming with dolphins, sunglasses, and a boat.
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