There are already many different short fics on offer for a quicky: from slash to gen:)
How about Season 1 Sam and Dean? Or medieval Sam and Dean or Mermen Wincestiel? Orrrr... Floral Witch!Sam or Vampire!Dean? Also: Sam and Jack! Mary and Azazel! Collegefic! Smoking Dean! Forced to share one bed fic! Drunk Sam!
And of course: good old Hurt Sam and Dean, aaahw.
There's no need to sign up or register, everyone is welcome to
CLAIM FIC HERE! More participants are always welcome, so this is where everyone can help out, yes, you too, lurkers: SPREAD THE WORD!
Here are promo banners for LiveJournal/Dreamwidth and a link to Twitter:
QUICKY_BANG 2019 ROUND 1:submit short SPN/RPF stories all through April; create art before the end of May
Code for Dean Banner:">" border="0">">QUICKY_BANG 2019 ROUND 1:
submit short SPN/RPF stories all through April; create art before the end of May QUICKY_BANG 2019 ROUND 1:submit short SPN/RPF stories all through April; create art before the end of May
Code for Sam Banner:">" border="0">">QUICKY_BANG 2019 ROUND 1:
submit short SPN/RPF stories all through April; create art before the end of May There is also a
pinned Tweet that you can share:)
a TUMBLR post to reblog!