
Sep 06, 2004 00:52

Title: Move
Author*: quiesce
Pairing: Jayne/Simon
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Belongs to Joss
Word Count: 771 Words
Notes: Written for the Moving challenge at fireflyslash. Big thanks to llaras for betaing.

* originally posted under a different author name

I was going to do it right.


"Hmm?" was the distracted response.

Now, it was possible that the doc really hadn't heard me, but more'n likely, word had gotten back to him about what the cap'n had said the other day about him and his moonbrained sister being part of the crew now and I was 'pposed to treat 'em with respect. Well, fine.

"Simon, could you move, please?"

"Yes, of course."

There. Easy. Almost wished Mal was right there lookin' at how polite and proper I could be. Except...the little hundan wasn't movin'.



"You said you were gonna move."

"No, I didn't."

"Yeah, you did. C'mon, move over, I need to get something over there."

Lookit how much I was behaving. Wasn't even touching him or nothing.

"You asked if I could move and my response was that yes, I could."

Zao gao. Mr. Top Three Percent trying to trick me with his fancible words and learning. He hadn't turned around, neither, so I 'spect he was probably smirking or something at me. This is what Mal never sees. Zhu tou doctor deserves everything he gets from me, he's just better at not getting caught, I guess. Well, shi, just 'cause the doc here was playing all unfair to try to get me in trouble, didn't mean I had to play back. I can be all mannered when I need to be, them others just don't see that.

"Simon, will you move? Please?"

"Yes, Jayne. I will move."

'Cept he didn't again.


Didn't much like the pleading in my voice, but I was running outta options now. How many ways did the hundan want me to ask?

"You never specified when it was you wanted me to move, Jayne."

Tamade. That, right there? That was what done it. I grabbed his arms and lifted him 'til his feet dangled a bit and set him back down outta my way. Doc didn't holler or struggle or nothing, so I guess he was figuring I'd do that. Even that didn't work though. Musta had them dancin' lessons like his shen jing bing sister, 'cause as soon as he was on the ground again, he was sliding right back to where he'd been. There was no way he could pretend he hadn't heard or understood what I said now. He knew 'xactly what he was doing.

I was right angry but mother'd always told me to stop and count to ten 'fore acting outta anger. Wasn't more'n halfway there when the gan ni niang just turned around and started fluttering his eyes and pouting them pretty lips of his and trying to look all innocent like he was some Companion fresh outta training. Made me lose count. No rutting way I was gonna start again. Doc had just lost his chance at me playing nice anymore.

I picked him up and tossed him over my shoulder 'fore he knew what was what and headed for the infirmary. Figured I'd toss him in there with all his precious medicines he's always going on about and lock the door behind him. Ain't sure if it's possible for some chun zi to lock themselves in like that, but I figure if anyone could get into a mess like that, it'd be the doc.

He was hollering himself into a right fuss wanting to be put down, but I was through trying to conversate with him. He was hitting me too, trying to use his fists to convince me to drop him, but a little thing like him prolly wouldn't even land a bruise that'd still be there in a day or two.

I was just rounding the corner to head down the stairs when I seen a bit of movement. Thought it mighta been the captain. Zao gao. If he saw me with the doc like this, don't think he'd appreciate all the patience I was showing Simon. Probably want to give me another one of his talking-tos. Other hand though, the doc was yellin' so loud, prolly wasn't no where on board you could be and not hear him.

Whether that was the cap'n or not I saw, wherever he was he musta heard the doc. Guess him running off or stayin' outta the way like that means he don't mind the doc being put back in his place every now and then, long as he could pretend he don't know nothing about it when the doc went and told. This piece of information could be interesting. And fun.

Gotta start asking the doc to get outta my way more often.

Hundan - jerk
Zao gao - damn it
Zhu tou - pig head
Shi - shit
Tamade - oh shit
Shen jing bing - lunatic
Gan ni niang - motherfucker
Chun zi - moron
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