Title: Dick Test
Author*: quiesce
Pairing: Jayne/Simon
Disclaimer: Not Joss.
Word Count: 100 Words
Notes: The inevitable result of learning that there's a legitimate medical exam called a Dick test. Written for the 100 Words challenge at
* originally posted under a different author name
"Alright, Jayne. You can put your shirt back on now."
Simon turned around to his charts on the counter and started writing down the routine checkup results.
"There's just a few more things I still need to do: take your temperature, perform a Dick test, draw some blood; then you're done."
It was probably a function of how completely Simon was in doctor mode that he didn't expect Jayne's response.
"Sure. You gonna come over and make sure it's working properly?"
Confused, Simon turned back to find Jayne sitting on the edge of the bed, looking smug, dick in hand.