A lot of things have happened and I haven't really said much. Heres a brief bullet pointed list lol:
- SCHOOL IS OVER. Yeah. No more exams. Results day in August. Yikes. But I got some awards, one for each subject and then one for Student Counselling. The prizes are all just book tokens lol, but I haven't a clue what to spend it on. Any book suggestions people??
- I've been going swimming a lot with my friend... its nice, healthy XD
- Our washing machine broke and as I type a new one is being installed. But prior to this, I had to do washing at my sisters and I think I have taken the decision to do alllll my own washing from now on so I get used to it for uni :S I've started a bag of stuff to take, and a friend of mine bought me some cutlery randomly cos she found some really cheap. Random, but thoughtful ne? Of course this all depends on my getting the grades...
- We (immediate family) have booked a holiday to Crete in a couple of weeks, and in September I'm going to Paris with friends :D
- I read fics less and less. Obvs on my f-list are several talented writers, but production generally seems to have a slowed :( I suppose tis a results of the split thing...
Ok, attempt two at meme cos lj deleted it on the first go... half remembering here:
Comment if you'd like a color. Then list ten things that you like/love which are that color.
chromeheart gave me RED.
- Strawberries - best thing about summer, i must've eaten a thousand already!
- Cherries - kinda purpley but I think they count. I like sweetie versions toooo
- Tomatoes - see I'm remembering the food ones first, odd that i like such healthy red things...
- Red lipstick - classic. not necessarily what i would wear, but some pale faces can pull it off, very admirable
- Sunglasses - will have to post a pic at some point, but a friend of mine painted some heart shaped glasses with red nail varnish and did white spots too :D
- Flip flops - that i am currently wearing... red with white stars :)
- Moulin rouge - see what I did thereeee. The 2001 film isss very good, and some of the old versions are alright too lol
- Bloooodddd - keeps me alive. gave some of it away, how charitable of me. found out i was type O+ oO. I think thats quite common here...
- Fire - little pyromaniac over here. i haven't burnt anything down yet but my interesting collection of candles still exist :S i suppose fire isn't just red, but I cannot remember what my other red things were from the first meme :(
- My red cardi - a friend of mine thought red might suit me so I bought a red cardi. I am quite fond of it, despite its brightness since I'm more of a blue and black sort of girl :)
Right, done. Should really add pics... will do if I remember/get requests XD