OMG show, way to rip my heart out in in one fell swoop.
this is so frustrating for me, because on one hand i have thoughts like, awesome episode, totally cool and on the other hand my heart is bleeding for sam and dean.
i hate that the show itself is going so well but the brothers relationship is down the toilet. they are why i come back every week. them, together. if they are really truly going to sever the relationship i dont know what ill do. those previews were GUT wrenching. i dont know how im gonna survive watching the actual episodes. i have only rewatched BUABS once or so because it pains me to see Sam get all demonic and try to kill Dean. so yeah 4.21 and 4.22 will very likely be torture for me. (DID YOU SEE SAM'S VEINY FACE? and WHAT DEAN SAID OMG. *SOB*)
and on that other hand i mentioned, i really liked tonights episode regarding misha/castiel/jimmy. i think misha did a great job, i like jimmy and he definitely felt like a different character. especially when the castiel we saw at the end was nearly a completely different character from the cas in deans dream! and misha CRIED! and ATE! its like he got to be dean! hee. seriously though, the scene where he saw his daughter and the bit before the demons showed up was totes touching.
i loved the little girl. when SHE was cas she did such a great job! it was cool to see a little girl who wasnt possessed and creepy.
ALSO. can we talk about how adorable and sad it is that dean's dream is peaceful fishing. alone? oh DEAN.
sam tweaking out was awesome. as much as i hate where its going i think jared is playing the addict pretty well. mood swings, personality changes, it all fits. i HATE it, but it fits.
so yeah. how long do i have to wait? and why is kripke determined to shred my heart and make a milkshake out of it?????