Title: Gift
quietlibanPrompt Set: 50.4
Prompt: #26 Gift
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe and characters contained therein are property of JK Rowling and her associated publishers. No copyright infringement is intended and no profit is being made.
Summary: Pansy receives a gift except it's not from Neville.
Author's Note: For
100quills. Other ficlets in this series can be found
here. This is me, writing fluff. Don't get use to it.
"You shouldn't have," she says with a smile on her face and a blush in her cheeks.
Neville looks at her and wants to say 'but I didn't,' because he didn't. He doesn't know where the necklace came from; he only knows that it didn't come from him.
Pansy hands it over to him as she turns around. "Put it on."
Neville takes the necklace and looks at it. It's a simple design, a gold heart on a gold chain, and Neville's never seen it before in his life.
Pansy turns at Neville's stuttering. The look on her face is impatient. "What?"
"It's not from me," he says.
Pansy frowns, crossing her arms. "Not from you?"
Neville nods, playing with the gold chain with his fingers. Pansy reaches out and takes it, her fingers warm against his. Neville watches her as she looks down at the necklace.
"Who else would give me a necklace like this?" she says.
Neville can think of someone, but he'd rather not say. It is after all, a beautiful day and the trials are over. That part of their life is over and he doesn't even want to think about it anymore.
"Dunno," he says instead of 'Draco.' His stomach twists and he feels awkward.
Pansy's eyes darken before she steps back and puts the necklace down on the coffee table.
"Come here," she says, and Neville looks at her nervously. Does she know who he was about to suggest?
Pansy smiles and there's a playful glint in her eye. Neville sighs before stepping forward.
"So it wasn't you?" she asks again.
Neville nods. "No, not me."
Pansy sighs then as she stretches out her arms around Neville's neck. "Too bad," she says softly, pulling him closer, "I was going to thank you in the most amazing way."