...earlier, I watched
The Vampire Diaires and thoughts:
KLAUS! You have now convinced me you are evil and do sadistic crap for shits and giggles and look, I'm not saying I support you know, being psychotically evil. Wait, I am, for my entertainment, because you are fictional. But seriously, why are you not like this all the time? You were like this in Ep 1 but since then? Well, I've had to seriously question your intelligence as a villain and whether or not you were just playing dumb?
Also, man, how upset was Klaus with Stefan? I'm pretty much on board this Klaus/Stefan ship. I'm not sure I'm gonna be able to get off. EXCEPT.
Yeah, so the whole compelled to turn off your feelings thing? Erm. It's shit.
Here's the thing with Stefan right? In my opinion, he was the 'ripper' personality before becoming a vampire. And this remorse thing? It's something he's been taught, which is why it took him the 30 years or whatever it was to get over the last ripper phase in the 1920s, because it's not natural for him, so it's exaggerated not just because he's a vampire and they have all the feelings. So compelling him to turn off his feelings? Well, yeah, that takes away his choice and Klaus only did it because he was really pissed (because I think that Klaus does enjoy Stefan's shame spiral that comes from the conflict that Stefan feels due to his choice to rank Damon over all other life etc).
So while it makes sense, as far as Klaus' motivations go. It's just a crap story choice, because it can be interpreted as a free-pass on the killing etc. and the thing with Stefan? He feels remorse for his killings sure, but he doesn't own it. So for him to I don't know, progress as a character, he needs to own his shit, and until he does that? He's going to remain boring to me.
Damon on the other hand? Well, I'm convinced he doesn't know what the hell he's doing, but he owns his shit (most of the time). Elena, on the other hand does not, but she's eighteen, so it's forgivable, explainable, in character. The Salvatores? They are old enough to know better.
Hmm, yeah, there are other things, like just how adorable were Matt and Bonnie were, even though that was a horrible portrayal of CPR, and Katherine! Man, I am quickly becoming a Katherine fan.
Also, bets on the original doppelganger being Klaus ex-girlfriend of some sort, same deal for the original witch. Because that wasn't being pushed at us.
I am not sure how I feel about Tyler being a hybrid and all that jazz (mostly I am ponderous on why the hell did Klaus not kidnap him when he left, but you know, I'm sure there is more terror to come).
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