I didn't tell anyone

Nov 12, 2011 11:25

...so last week I caught up on TVD and here are reactions:

3x07 Ghost World

...Stefan: I didn't do this (but I kinda wish I had).

...Matt/Bonnie is totally a thing, right?

...so I don't like Lexi. At all.

....related: is that ghost power or I'm a really old vampire power? 'Cos that shit don't make sense.

...you have to separate yourself from your emotions and don't let them play on you? Really, Lexi? I wonder where I've heard something like that before?

...ok, Caroline is still the bestest.

...and there is a major logic!fail concerning that necklace. OMFG.

3x08 Ordinary People

...awww, woobie Original vampires!

...ok, no flash photography! Ric, what kind of historian are you?

...and Rebekah is my favourite!

And then I had some thoughts about Lexi, because whoa, I was not prepared for that.

Ok, ok, so one of my things, I guess about Stefan is that this whole vampire thing was a surprise for him. He had no idea what was going on and so he just went with the blood lust and the murdering. There were no standards for him. He'd never been taught the tricks of the trade like Damon had.

But then Lexi, came along, and I don't know what I assumed happened. But it wasn't a cold turkey thing, because Lexi turned up in S1, and she seemed well, relatively well adjusted for a super old vampire.

And I understand (sort of) that it was a I don't know how long I'm gonna get, so let's go all out and do it this way, but OMGWTF? Lexi's response to addict!Stefan seriously makes me question how she dealt with it not only the first time round, but also after the 1920s. Because if it was in anyway like how this started? No wonder Stefan is such a mess (generally functional, yes, but still a mess). Katherine, Lexi and Papa Salvatore have all done an excellent job in creating a monster who doesn't know how to just be.

And the more I read other analyses (I wasn't sold on this idea, because for the most part I find Stefan boring) and even the show the last couple of weeks has basically said outright Stefan's problem is that he's never figured out how to be himself, the more I'm convinced that that is totally true.

So yeah, after 3x08, I am totally on board with Damon's plan. Let Stefan be free.

And then this morning I watched 3x09 Homecoming...

And seriously, after the last two episodes I was getting a bit worried and a bit bored with it, but this episode brought it. OMG.

I don't really know where to start, because it was awesome. It was.

No. Seriously, don't know what I want to talk about. It was AWESOME.

I may have coherent thoughts later. Unlikely.

BTW, counting. Is not a thing that I am good at.

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the vampire diaries, la television

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