...so I am like a rage machine [An aside].
...ok so watched Game of Thrones 2x02:
and I am really starting to be curious about endgame. Like, it's nice to be with these characters again when they were...just starting out. Yes. Also I have appreciation for Sam now, where before I was not appreciative (because yes, he is a fantasy/storytelling in general stereotype) BUT I am all the more curious about EndGame.
Yes, indeedy, because this is seeing the setup again and why I appreciate that things in the show are gonna be different in the book (I'm still calling Yara, Asha in my head because Asha is one of my favourites, um) I am failing to see how this story ends at all. Is there ever going to be a united kingdom again? Will the wights take over the land? Will rocks fall and everyone die? What is the ending? Is there an ending that is going to be satisfying? Or will it just be a disappointing contrivance?
I think I would be happier about not seeing an ending if I trusted GRRM to tell a story, but after reading DwD. I don't. I trust him to world build and create compelling characters that we hate to love and love to hate. He's proven that this is what he does. That this is his strength. But I don't trust to him to have a cohesive narrative that has a point. He as actually failed in this a lot already.
And part of that is that I suspect he suffers, as do many successful fantasy (and other writers) do (in my reading experience) of having lax editors as later books in the series get published. Yes, I am still pissed of that we had absolutely no progression of Dany's story in DwD and that there was at least half a page (from memory) describing how Tyrion felt pissing off the side of a boat. And that really disappointed me and made me lose confidence in what was happening in the story.
And I guess as a fanfiction reader you can tell when a WIP gets lost and the author is just writing because they are having fun and they've lost sight of what they were trying to say (unless it's just an epic PWP in which case, carry on) but IDK. Does that make a jaded reader?
What I am saying I guess, is am I alone in this? This lack of confidence that an ending actually exists? One that is going to be convincing? Given that some of the books themselves do not stand alone and do not give conclusive endings (Jon Snow I am looking at you), is there something I'm missing in my reading? (Because I am guilty of skipping ahead to the characters I do like in these books. What? You do it too).
And look, endings, especially successful endings are hard, difficult things. I am aware. Most of them a preordained. The good guys win. The good guys live to fight another day. They lived happily ever after. The bad guy got away with it after all. Or the bad guy learnt how to be the good guy. Or all of the above. I'm trying to think of others in the recent stories I've read and movies I've seen but that's all I can come up with and I'm not actually an English lit major despite my posturing so you know. Whatever.
Anyway, what do you think?
In conclusion, the Hound is attractive in the same way Angus Sampson is attractive. You know that he physically isn't but he's compelling nonetheless. (Don't judge me).