HAPPY BIRTHDAY in large friendly letters. Or just with the caps lock on. Well you get the drift anyway.
I was listening to the CoRo Troubadour gig in the car on the way home tonight. It's been about a year since I actively listened to any of their stuff (I overplayed it, y'know?), and I really REALLY miss them. And being able to go to London/NYC to see them. *wail* I used to have money, dammit!
Oh how I love the Troubadour with its 'Oh' so expensive wine and its american trio :( I am hoping for a UK trip from them, but I fear that my hope is, this year at least, again...not very hopeful ...This makes me sad and I have to rush about to find stuff to squee over..
I like squeeing with SOH, they are indeed spliendid, but I wish to squee about Common Rotation and that, at the moment is a little harder to muster ...*bad Boys!*
Comments 4
HAPPY BIRTHDAY in large friendly letters. Or just with the caps lock on. Well you get the drift anyway.
I was listening to the CoRo Troubadour gig in the car on the way home tonight. It's been about a year since I actively listened to any of their stuff (I overplayed it, y'know?), and I really REALLY miss them. And being able to go to London/NYC to see them. *wail* I used to have money, dammit!
Sorry to hijack your happy birthday there. *ahem*
Oh how I love the Troubadour with its 'Oh' so expensive wine and its american trio :( I am hoping for a UK trip from them, but I fear that my hope is, this year at least, again...not very hopeful ...This makes me sad and I have to rush about to find stuff to squee over..
I like squeeing with SOH, they are indeed spliendid, but I wish to squee about Common Rotation and that, at the moment is a little harder to muster ...*bad Boys!*
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