Throughout this post I am going to reflect on the many varied and multiple levels of badness/ wrongness , general sorryness and lots of other ness’s which I am sure I will remember now that the vanilla vodka haze is beginning to wear off
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Comments 19
Now all we have to do is work out the question
And I'm sorry
I let myself down
I let my friends down
But most of all I let you down
It was wrong and I apologise!
It was wrong and I am glad we are all sorry!
Unlike today which is not shiny at all
We must be bad again at the earliest possible opportunity!
I agree Bad is waht I am best at after all!
I have a new boyfriend and when I drink loads he still doesn't look like Eric :(
Mark Lutz is really nice, and very, very pert!
Nick was very funny and as I say when drunk very Eric like (that's me drunk, not him!)
But really, does nobody think of the horses!
Have a good time tonight, hope Seth does a really good Eric impersonation for you. *sends vanilla vodka*
I thought of the horse's honest I did, but they were in a field seventy miles away and you know Vanilla Vodka, pert bottoms and Eric impersonations... Blimey!
hope Seth does a really good Eric impersonation for you. *sends vanilla vodka He failed to be Eric, but then Seth being Seth is never a bad thing :) Nice :)
Cheers for the reportage.
I will be happy to hand over my credit card next time :)
Next time we must have Haffy with us convention dancing will be done!
:: Mourns my street cred ...which has gone down faster than two gay cowboys at a Psyche social ::
P.S Nick is still only a 3 however much vodka you drink , you should save yourself for an ASH , who is clearly a 10 and may even sing 'Sweet Transvestite'
I don't know about your street cred mate, but those gay cowboys went down pretty damn fast and I agree I think you beat them:)
No Nick lept to a 6 on straight vodka, dipping back down to a 4 with the whole kareoke thing he had wailing on and lept like a leaping thing bakc up to at least a 7 once the vanilla vodka kicked in * bad vodka!*
TWO ! I'm never drinking vanilla vodka again ..probably :)
Lordy I'd forgotten Nick on the karaoke ..come back Angel , all is forgiven !
And nope , Nick remained a 3 however much I drank ..Mark on the other hand was an 11, or at least his buttocks were *g*
I have added Nick on Karaoke , just for you!
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