Oct 12, 2005 01:12
Foreign film directors are total deutschmarks
Oct 04, 2005 11:39
"New York isn't just a city in the nation... it's a city in the WORLD!"
hahaha I love my roomates. and New york is the best city ever... and I have herpes.
Sep 28, 2005 21:30
Comment with one memory of me.
It can be any freakin thing you want.
It doesn't even have to have happened.
Then: take one down, pass it around.....
Sep 28, 2005 12:51
he said: "Ew, your breath smells like kitty litter!"
and I said: "I was curious!"
Sep 26, 2005 14:50
Honey comb big, yeah yeah yeah. It's not small, no no no.