Mar 08, 2006 20:17
And I have no idea what to make of it.
But hey, I saw it.
And you probably didn't.
So pbbbpppphhhpppttttt to you.
Mar 05, 2006 14:48
I got bingoed.
By my own sister.
This is so disillusioning. She was supposed to be the smart one in the family.
Feb 15, 2006 04:04
This shit.
Don't make no sense.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have a corner I need to curl up and gibber incoherently in.
Jan 18, 2006 07:31
Aww, our little sister-type-person is already -{NOT AUTHORISED TO DISCLOSE}-.
They grow up so fast....
Jan 14, 2006 23:03
What happened to my pain tolerance, dammit?
When did I become such a weenie?
And most importantly...
If I actually wanted to have the canals of my disintegrating {altough hopefully, soon-to-be-removed} tooth cleaned on a regular basis so I could get used to the pain, exactly how psycho would I be?
Dec 10, 2005 18:13
my life is suffering
Nov 08, 2005 10:00
...I'm starting to lock the computer room.
Nov 05, 2005 14:39
To any supernatural entities that may have been responsible for the events this morning, please keep in mind that you must provide proof of positive influence and/or miracle before any gratitude or sense of obligation can be extended in your direction.
Thank you for your understanding,
Oct 06, 2005 21:36
I might feel remorseful about torturing my characters like that if it wasn't so much fun.
Sep 27, 2005 00:10
Well, I may have gotten forced into doing something that will do irreparable harm to my already mutilated reputation as the Quinch, but I can take some small satisfaction in saying that I won't tell you bastards what it was anytime soon.