12 - Georgia - Wailing monk, then FOUR SPACE HOOKERS. Oh god, the bad english. Fire pillars. GIANT DRUM. This is the greatest thing ever.
13 - Turkey - All the pyrotechnics, then traditional instruments and crazy winged dancers! Singer is a little whiny, but this is hilarious. A BOAT MADE OF THE COSTUMES.
07 - Ukraine - Crazy woman oversinging, CG dancers on panels. Dancing trumpet players. CG flashmob. THIS IS EUROVISION
02 - Macedonia, aka FormerYugoslavRepublicofGreeceisanAsshole - Crazy eyes don't make a show interesting. Singer going a bit operatic, despite not having the strength to do it and make it wow. SUDDENLY ROCK MUSIC. I actually kind of liked that.
11 - Sweden - WIND MACHINE - She's alone and crawling on the stage. She can sing, but she's mumbling. It's a catchy pop dance song. It's much better than last year's, at least. Oh, and random snow and a random backup dance. Still not crazy enough!
04 - Malta - HI 1990s DANCE SONG. The performance isn't spectacular, but they danced and shit, so that makes the stage show already the most interesting.
14 - Estonia - Well, on one hand this guy can sing. On the other, snoooooorrrrreeeee.
15 - Slovakia - EUROVISION HAIR METAL. It's a shame the singer keeps going off key. You're RUINING IT.
10 - Croatia - Um, preceded by an Azeri grocery store commercial for the "cultural interstitial." Starting boring, but I continue to be a sucker for strings. I actually liked that song, the stage production was WTF, but more because it was boring.
01 - Serbia - After that intro, I was expecting Bryan Adams or something. I actually like that song, though it wasn't particularly exciting, and the stage show wasn't fantastic.
18 - Lithuania - Come on, don't make me ashamed to be Lithuanian! Hmm...boring beginning, but he IS wearing a sequined blindfold. Then, DISCO~ Flipping, mediocre dancing in front of lots of FAKE TINY SHADOW DANCERS in the background.
08 - Bulgaria - Lonely Space Hooker on the stage alone. Song's got a beat, at least, but she's not that great of a singer. Spinning pyrotechnics, though!
06 - Portugal - Eh. Kinda boring, but she can sing.
05 - Belarus - Well, at least this can't be worse than last year's entry, right? WHAT ARE THESE MICROPHONE STANDS? Very generic rock, mediocre singing.
03 - The Netherlands - Lady, you are not Cher. Cher can kinda sing. I like the bluegrassy jug band, though. CONFLICTED. It's also weird because there's a lot of American-ness to the stage presentation.
17 - Bosnia & Herzegovina - Very boring ballad.
09 - Slovenia - Started too low for her register, so I predict high note wailing later. Blonde backup singer sucks, but the others are okay. Boring song, though. Bad ending.
16 - Norway - This would have been a lot better if the guy could sing. All right beat, that's about it.
I'd say Bosnia and Norway getting through is probably the worst of the ones passing...and Georgia will be sorely missed in the finals.
Despite me being kinda meh on Lithuania, I suppose this move alone makes it deserving of being in the finals: