Title: I Wanna Hold Your Hand (1/17)
wanderinghope &
thechronicladyPairings/Characters: Quinn/Tina
Rating: PG
Word count: 1,367
Spoilers: none
Summary: When paired together for their winter break Glee assignment, Quinn and Tina had no idea what they were getting into.
Chapter One
The kids of the WMHS Glee Club had been curious all week, wondering what Mr. Schuester would have in store for them for their last meeting before winter break. Some wondered if they would have a holiday party, some wondered if he would just call the meeting short since the kids were so distracted and anxious about being off school for a couple weeks, and some (read Rachel Berry) not wondered but hoped they would have a full rehearsal to keep their competitive edge going. Even though their minds were filled of distractions, going up against the evil incarnates that were Vocal Adrenaline, they couldn’t allow to let their guard down, even for a minute.
It seemed that Mr. Schuester was channeling some Rachel Berry because when he called their meeting to order he grinned at them all before saying, “Look you guys I know you’re all excited about your winter breaks and being off school but we can’t rest for a moment because Vocal Adrenaline isn’t resting! So I have an assignment for you all to complete over your vacation.” Puck of course threw his hands up in protest while Rachel’s face was practically beaming. The rest of the club was somewhere in the middle, because even though they all really loved Glee, homework over break still sucked.
“Okay everyone. We’re going to do this old school. I put all your names in a hat and you’re going to draw a partner. You and your partner are going to be responsible for creating a mash-up or medley of songs and choreography for a number. And when we come back to school you’ll perform for the rest of the club. I just want to keep the creative juices flowing guys and I know you’ll all have great ideas. And who knows, we may find our new number for Regionals.”
Tina leaned back in her seat, her face expressionless, as the rest of the club let out collective grumbles and moans, and as Rachel rambled off a variety of ideas that were popping into her head. Tina wasn’t too bummed about this assignment to be perfectly honest. Normally during school breaks she spent her time being completely unproductive and this would be a welcome change of pace.
“Rachel!” Mr. Schuester called first, and they all watched her happily bound down to the floor and eagerly pull out a small slip of paper. She smiled and turned to the group. “Noah Puckerman.” Sure, he made a show of rolling his eyes and slouching in his seat, but Tina didn’t miss the tiny smile that graced his lips. When it was Tina’s turn to go up, she calmly made her way to the piano. She had three choices left; Artie, Brittany, and Quinn. She figured that either way this assignment was about to get pretty interesting. She could work with her ex-boyfriend, a girl who thought that marshmallows were made from clouds, or the one person she easily got along with the least. She reached in and prayed for marshmallows.
“...Quinn.” Just perfect.
Quinn lifted her head when she heard Tina say her name. That really wasn’t how she saw that all playing out in her mind. She thought that Artie and Tina would be paired up because they were like best friends or were dating or used to date or something, she really didn’t pay attention. And then she would of course get to be with Brittany. Sure they were in Glee together but it wasn’t like she was besties with everyone.
After everything that had happened her sophomore year, she definitely had a better perspective of what life not on the top was like and she wasn’t actively mean to anyone anymore, but she was still Quinn Fabray. After working her ass off over the summer she rejoined the Cheerios in better shape than ever and things were almost back to normal.
So this turn of events was... interesting. And it meant that she was going to have to like... hang out with Tina over winter break. Maybe they could just get it all done in a couple days and that would be that. Totally awesome plan. Once Mr. Schuester told them to have a nice break and dismissed them, Quinn decided to just get this over with and approached Tina.
“So look Chang, let’s just like meet this weekend and like get it all done and then we can meet once more before school starts to go over details and rehearse or whatever.” Totally awesome plan. This way they’d have to spend as little time together as possible.
Tina’s eyes widened slightly as she turned from saying goodbye to Kurt and was face-to-face with an impatient looking Quinn. “Uh, hey,” she said in greeting with a small awkward wave. “I’m actually going to be pretty busy starting this weekend and all of next week. What with Hanukkah and all. But I could get together for a couple hours during the day.”
Hanukkah was easily Tina’s favorite holiday of all the holidays she celebrated, so she considered it quite the sacrifice to even set aside those few hours a day. “But, I mean, we have nearly three weeks to work on this. That’s plenty of time.” She couldn’t understand why Quinn seemed to be in such a rush to get this over with, but maybe it was because she didn’t really feel like spending so much time during her break with Tina.
Now that Quinn was back on top, what had passed between them as a “friendship” before had mostly dissipated. Quinn didn’t bully Tina anymore, she didn’t really bully anyone anymore, but she had gone back to her aloof indifference.
Quinn resisted the urge to grumble. She didn’t like that she wasn’t getting her way. That didn’t happen. But it wasn’t like she could disrespect Tina celebrating a religious holiday. There was no way they were meeting Christmas Eve or Christmas Day for this stupid project because those were really holy days to her and just totally off limits. Except... “Wait, you’re Jewish?”
Tina resisted the urge to roll her eyes and simply nodded. Did no one know her full last name? “Yeah. It’s Cohen-Chang. Cohen is Jewish. Ergo, me Jewish.” She bent down to pick up her bag and waited for Quinn to make a move to leave the choir room first. Well, look at that. It didn’t take long to fall back into old habits.
Tina was doing this weird avoiding technique that Quinn didn’t really understand at all. Did Tina think if she wasn’t looking at her, that she would just go away? They definitely weren’t done talking. “Um, fine whatever. Just like call me when you’re free and... yeah. But I don’t want to procrastinate this forever.”
“Yeah, no problem,” she said, nodding enthusiastically, but still avoiding looking Quinn directly in the eyes. “We can get together tomorrow, if you like. Sometime around noon?”
Good, Tina was taking this whole no procrastinating thing seriously. “Yeah that’s fine. So um, where should we do this?” Quinn asked, feeling awkward for the first time in this conversation. Her first instinct was to invite Tina over but that was sort of weird. But then again, going to Tina’s house would be weird too. This was a tricky situation.
Tina shrugged. “You can come over to my house. I’ll have like family milling about, but we can work in my room.” she said, wondering if her room would freak Quinn out, and now really hoping she agreed, because Tina wanted to find out. “But unless you wanna stay and light the Menorah with us, you’d have to leave before nightfall.”
“Um, yeah fine whatever. I’ll come over then. But I think I’ll pass on the whole Menorah thing, no offense. I wouldn’t want to like... intrude.” After all she knew how sacred these sorts of things could be. “So yeah, I’ll see you at noon tomorrow then.” She said before leaning down to pick up her own bag. “Um, bye then.”
Tina waited for Quinn to go before her, before she also headed out of the choir room and made her way home.