So, Quintus has discovered the truth about Titus... Well. It's a bit strange. I mean, the bloke isn't "cheating" on the sister-in-law von Hell. But it obvious he's in love with Arabella. So, what do I do? I point it out to him. Like an idiot. Because we all know how aware Titus is of his feelings... So the man does what? Decides, "Your impudence, Julius, has crossed the line. How dare you come to me with such idle and illfounded suggestions? Take your conniving spirit elsewhere and do not bother me and my family ever again." And somehow, gee I wonder, word gets to Dad - and he asks me to leave. Bastard. And of course, his official excuse was my unmanageable behaviour. Still, bastard.
And of course, Lucia still has no idea of any of this, as she is still in France - and I really ought to go see her, shouldn't I? But it's so hard. We were never close. Not like she and Quintus are. It would be so easy to just pretend as though everything will be fine - but that would be so like my parents.
I guess I can start by owling her...
Kiddo, I'm going to Spain for the first two weeks of Summer. Might get you away from Anton Bab-whatever. Coming? Of couse, Quintus can't go as he has traditional Harper dinners to 'plan' and 'host' - though we all know Mum does everything, and we just dress up and put smiles on our faces (not living at home can be a real gem, sometimes). He'll be pissed, but he'll live. And it's so obvious HE'S in love with YOU. Why must the pair of you be complete blockheads? The prat who has an illfated crush on someone else, the twit who's mother won Bitch of the Year award, and their denied love. I should go present this as a plot to Sin-Sin, and see if she's come across anything similar in the trashy romance department so I can shove it under your faces - and you STILL wouldn't figure it out. Bah. Can you tell I really want those 100 galleons?
Um, Secret Admirer, thank you for the roses? Not.
I am thinking I need to find myself a date. Would this dissuade the "Teenage Fan Club"? (Quintus' words, not mine, mind.) Discuss.