Wah...sabar2 Mel..tabah dong..don't worry about them, their actions will be paid off not by us but by God jadi loe tenang aja, nga perlu worry... Gw soalnya udah pernah kaya begini last year sama seseorang di kelas..tapi gw biarin aja dan liat deh skrg org2 nga sukain dia..
Semoga loe bisa find out the solution and keep blogging ^_^
Haizz.. Gue sekarang cuekin aja apa yang dia lakuin.. Orang sok emang udah tinggal dicuekin aja.. Sekarang gue santai2 aja.. gurunya sendiri aja udah ngomong kalo mereka egois kok.. =] anyway.. thanks yah.. =]
Oh, um, it's just about some ppl at school.. ^^; they were really annoying that day.. But I guess it's okay now.. I don't cae abt them anymore.. Xp I'm not going to let them ruin my wonderful, gonna-be-great (short?) holiday.. XD
Oh, um, it's just about some ppl at school.. ^^; they were really annoying that day.. But I guess it's okay now.. I don't care abt them anymore.. Xp I'm not going to let them ruin my wonderful, gonna-be-great (short?) holiday.. XD
tenang donk sis. orang2 kaya gitu emang not worth buat ngehancurin holiday lo. peduli amet. paling ntar mereka bakal diem sendiri. cuek aja. you're nt gonna let those ppl ruin ur day. kay? cheer up =]~
Arigatou~ Emang gue udah ngga peduli lagi ama mereka.. Mo ngapain ya terserah.. Toh yang jelek namanya mereka sendiri.. Btw, udah dapet tuh novel loe.. X3 nanti ketemu yah..
Comments 8
Semoga loe bisa find out the solution and keep blogging ^_^
~ Reinhart
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