Title: Why Amos Can't Stand Harry
Rating: R
Pairings: James/Lily, Amos/James
Warnings: het, slash, crossdressing
Notes: For Laurel's
Make Sure James Is Straight Challenge. I feel like it isn't as good as the first one, but that might be because I'm unfamiliar with Amos.
I won't tell. )
Comments 2
AMOS DIGGORY! I'm trying to wrap my head around this. I can't say I've ever imagined this situation. It's really interesting you used a non-Marauder in this. You know what's even better? That this James is very alike how most people see Cedric and the path he was on. I wonder what Amos would have thought of that?
{{{hugs}}} You're rad! Thank you so much! The pimpage is up and I'm so glad you did TWO, you win at life!!!
I was going to do one with Regulus instead, but it just wasn't jiving, so I went with it. Maybe at a later date...? ;)
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