someone needs to either take away my scissors or enroll me hair-cutting school. my bangs are still crooked, only now they're half an inch shorter. great.
June 29 - Atlanta, GA @ Masquerade w/ Piebald ::dies::
Je deteste l'école et la plupart des eleves aussi. Je déteste particulièrement la géométrie. je ne peux pas survuve 18 jours supplémentaires de l'école.
ok all you computer nerds- how can i get my comment links to say "has" with one comment and "have" with multiple comments? i have the html for the kind of multiples like adding an s, but i tried all sorts of shit and it doesnt work. if i weren't such a grammar freak this wouldnt bother me, but i am, so pleeaaaassseee heeeeelllpppp.
the doctor said the surgery wouldnt help, so there was no point in even doing it. i cant ride her or anything without her being in pain, so she's going back to her old home. byebye smoke
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