Fandom: Inuyasha
Title: Absurd Distractions
Author: Paynesgrey
Chapter Title: 6: First Signs of Madness
Characters: Inuyasha, Kagome, Sesshoumaru
Genre: Humor/Friendship
Word Count: 250
Rated: PG
Universe: CU, post-series
Notes: This is a friendship fic. There will be implications toward the Inuyasha/Kagome ship; however, this serialization will focus on the growing friendship between Kagome and Sesshoumaru, whether Sesshoumaru likes it or not. It's supposed to be a little cracky and fun, and it'll revolve around prompts in various LJ communities. This prompt, "slow and steady" was written for
iyfic_contest. Winner second place.
Summary: Out of boredom, Kagome rudely begins to meddle in Sesshoumaru's personal life.
Kagome was sure her plan was foolproof, but she would take things slow and steady. She holed herself up in the miko shrine by the village, creating the perfect gift to entice Sesshoumaru to become her friend.
She was sure that he would not refuse such a gift as this, and more than likely he did not possess anything like it. Kagome was so confident Sesshoumaru would be so taken by her “gift” that he may even make some gesture of apology for avoiding her this long. It was silly; she knew this, but she was certain she could tell things from his eyes, even through his stony expressions.
Inuyasha called her delusional, but what did he know? Kagome was sure he was jealous. It was obvious even now that Sesshoumaru preferred her over his own brother (one he didn’t claim anyway).
She couldn’t wait to see Sesshoumaru’s face, and even the shift in his emotions when he regarded her.
Kagome started chuckling to herself, in low and self-satisfied guffaws that frightened away the miko trainees. Kaede stayed away as well, bluntly expressing that she hoped Kagome’s obsession with Sesshoumaru ended soon.
Inuyasha was the only brave soul to interrupt Kagome during her new project. He poked his head into the shrine and said, “Kagome?”
She snapped her head around, and in the darkness, he only saw two bright pink slits for eyes as her holy aura began to rise.
Promptly, and smartly, he got the hell out of there.