Inuyasha, "Shiori Chronicles" chapter 10

Mar 11, 2011 13:39

Fandom: Inuyasha
Title: Next Generation: Shiori Chronicles
Chapter Title: Strategy
Author: Paynesgrey
Characters/Pairings: Shiori, Kohaku, (slight Kohaku/Shiori)
Rating: PG
(Chapter) Word Count: 300
Genre: Adventure/Romance
Warnings: None
Notes: Post-manga.Continuation to my "Shiori Chronicles". This is the 11th installment. Written for the "pierce" theme at iy_unsung_heros.

Chapter Summary: Shiori wants to help, but she isn't sure she likes Kohaku's plan.

Chapter Ten: Strategy

Shiori doesn’t think the new wolf youkai on the scene has a chance at going up against the dark miko Azuna. She and Kohaku keep quiet crouched in the bushes, but they are ready to spring if he needs help. She wonders, however, if it’s such a good idea to make their presence known as well. They could have just as much of a chance against Azuna as the newcomer.

They watch as he paces around the circle of brainwashed wolves, and Azuna seems confident and unaffected by the wolf boy’s arrival. Despite the protests of his brother’s plight, the miko can just as soon as add him to her pack of obedient thugs.

Shiori hopes that is the last thing that will happen.

“We have to do something,” she whispers at Kohaku urgently. He throws her a look that he already knows this, and he’s currently formulating a plan to help; however, the other wolf boy’s next move is unpredictable, so Kohaku can’t really plan something around that.

He has to try, Shiori thinks, and she leans closer to his ear and says, “I’ll do anything you ask.”

He nods. “Our first concern is the boy’s brother. He’s her leverage; if we can get to him, separate him, maybe we can save the others later.”


“We need the boy to find out how to reverse the spell. We’ll create a diversion where you grab the kid, and I’ll distract her,” Kohaku says. “After that, we grab the brothers and run.”

“What about the other wolves? Aren’t you going to save them too?” Shiori asks, infuriated that they were leaving the others behind. Does that mean they aren’t going to bother saving them at all?

Shiori can see in Kohaku’s piercing eyes that they may have no other choice.

kohaku/shiori, shiori, shiori chronicles, kohaku, inuyasha

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